
Jen Psaki Manages to Offend Everyone by Saying GOP Is Manipulating Muslims Into Fighting Trans Madness

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Former Biden regime spokesditz Jen Psaki has successfully completed her lateral move to another wing of the far-Left’s propaganda ministry, MSNBC, but her rise among the Leftist political and media elites has hit a bit of a speed bump of late. Psaki is supposed to be wonderfully media-savvy and adept at putting a Leftist spin on news events (at least as compared to Karine Jean-Pierre), but she has just revealed anew the Left’s paternalism and contempt for its putative allies, and demonstrated that she has only the most tenuous of grasps on history and current events. Now, as the alliance between Leftist and Islamic groups continues to deteriorate, Psaki has claimed that the honeymoon is over because those dastardly Republicans are stirring up trouble.

The Post Millennial reported last Monday that Psaki “speculated that the reason Muslim Americans have been opposing LGBTQ material in schools with children is because the Republican party is pitting ‘Muslim Americans and trans people’ against each other.” The tensions between “Muslim Americans and trans people” couldn’t possibly stem from Muslims, like all other sane people, being repulsed by the trans madness and appalled at the Left’s efforts to push it on the youngest of children.

No, that couldn’t be it, because in Psaki’s unconscious ethnocentrism and paternalism, Muslims have no ability to think for themselves or make decisions on their own. They’re just helpless pawns of either the Democrats or the Republicans. Psaki would not only have you believe that Muslims have no minds of their own, but also that Republicans (whom the Left has accused of hating Muslims since 9/11 because Republicans oppose jihad terrorism) have suddenly turned on a dime and are now courting them for their own purposes. And evidently, she sees Muslims as not bright enough to be able to see through this.

Psaki claimed that Republicans have done this before: the Post Millennial notes that she “compared the divide that has taken place between the Muslim community and gender indoctrination in schools to the ‘Southern strategy’ from Richard Nixon.” This alleged “strategy,” Psaki claimed, “was the GOP’s effort to get white southerners to vote Republican instead of Democrat in the election by pitting southern whites against blacks.” This was, she said, an “old play from the GOP playbook” that the Republicans are now “reviving.”

Psaki was referring to the widely-held historical myth that beginning with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Republican Party abandoned its longtime support for civil rights and embraced white pro-segregation Southerners, while the Democrats repudiated their sorry history of exacerbating racial hatred and became the party of equal rights for all. However, Republicans in both the House and Senate voted for the Civil Rights Act in higher percentages than did Democrats. The growing Republican support in the South in the 1960s and thereafter is frequently attributed to the supposed racism of the party, but in reality, segregation and Jim Crow ended at the same time that Republican support was growing, and no Republicans campaigned on bringing them back. The “Southern strategy” was not a Republican embrace of racism, but of social conservatism and greater economic freedom than the Democrats offered, both of which had great appeal in the South.

Heedless of the facts, Psaki claimed the “GOP is trying to recruit Muslim Americans, a community that makes up less than two percent of the US population, against another tiny marginalized group of American, transgender people.” She likened Trump speaking about transgenders to George Wallace saying, “You know, I tried to talk about good roads and good schools and all these things that have been part of my career, and nobody listened. And then I began talking about n******, and they stomped the floor.”

Related: Leftists Feeling Betrayed After Muslim-Governed Michigan City Bans Pride Flag

Then on Wednesday, Megyn Kelly remarked acidly that what Psaki was essentially saying to Muslims was, “You’re just too stupid to realize you’re being manipulated, you can’t have a genuinely held belief.” Indeed. That same day, Fox News reported that Psaki was receiving pushback from Edward Ahmed Mitchell, national deputy director of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Mitchell declared that “liberal commentators” such as Psaki needed to “accept that Muslim parents are independent, intelligent people speaking for themselves.” He added, “The sooner they accept this truth, the sooner they can start addressing the substantive concerns these parents are raising. Then again, maybe they just can’t and don’t want to address the concerns these parents are raising.”

Now you’ve got it, Mr. Mitchell! He also accused Psaki of seeing Muslims as “political puppets,” which is precisely how she and other Leftist leaders do see them. Leftists’ dirty little secret is that while they decry racism and ethnocentrism, they are far more racist and ethnocentric than any patriot. Psaki has reminded us of this anew.


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