Congress Wants More Transparency on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon

The House Oversight Committee held one of the most anticipated congressional hearings in years on Wednesday, as the witness testimony focused on unidentified anomalous phenomena, or UAPs.


The star witness was retired Maj. David Grusch — a former official with the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency — whose bombshell claims of a government cover-up of a UFO retrieval program have been met with both skepticism and intense interest in the scientific community.

Grusch filed a complaint with the DoD inspector general’s office claiming harassment from the brass for going to the Inspector General to complain about the mishandling of classified data on UAPs. Grusch believes that the law requires that some data the Pentagon has gathered about UAPs should be released to the public and the DoD is illegally withholding it. For making that claim, Grusch has been harassed and threatened by his superiors.

Associated Press:

Grusch said he was asked in 2019 by the head of a government task force on UAPs to identify all highly classified programs relating to the task force’s mission. At the time, Grusch was detailed to the National Reconnaissance Office, the agency that operates U.S. spy satellites.

“I was informed in the course of my official duties of a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering program to which I was denied access,” he said.

Asked whether the U.S. government had information about extraterrestrial life, Grusch said the U.S. likely has been aware of “non-human” activity since the 1930s.


That remains to be proven, although there’s little doubt that Grusch believes his story, as do other notable researchers like Michael Shellenberger. His sources confirmed the substance of Grusch’s astonishing allegations.

Grusch claims there is evidence of the UFO retrieval program that could be presented to the American people now, including photographs.

There were a couple of Air Force witnesses whose own close encounters with a UAP have been well documented.

New York Times:

At one point, two former Navy fighter pilots, David Fravor and Ryan Graves, described encounters with unknown objects — a decade and a continent apart — that they said accelerated like nothing either had seen before. The men first described the incidents to The New York Times in 2017 and 2018 in stories that prompted calls from lawmakers for more government transparency.

Neither of the pilots speculated about the provenance of what they saw. The sightings were reported to the Pentagon’s shadowy Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, which analyzes radar data, video footage and accounts provided by senior officers.

Some of the objects in videos released by the Pentagon have been explained as optical illusions or drones, but others remain unexplained.

The effort to unlock the secrets of UAPs has become a matter of national security. The flight characteristics of these aircraft are jaw-dropping and could easily outmaneuver even our most advanced fighter planes. Should national security take priority over the public’s understandable and necessary need to know?

The entire story may be a hoax, and Grusch may be a patsy. It wouldn’t be the first time the government has tried to distract attention from ongoing Air Force programs using the screen of supposed alien spacecraft. I’m afraid that until a craft lands on the White House lawn and its occupants emerge to greet us, skepticism will rightly be the order of the day.



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