House Republicans Plan to Hold Hearings on UFOs

(U.S. Pentagon)

House Republicans on the Oversight Committee are making preparations for a hearing later this month on government efforts to try to unravel some of the mysteries surrounding unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs).


No witnesses have been announced, nor has the scope of the hearing been made public. But the hearing will come a little over a month after a Department of Defense whistleblower claimed the U.S. has retrieved several aircraft of “non-human origin.”

David Grusch, a respected Air Force veteran, claims in a complaint filed with the DoD inspector general’s office that the Pentagon, other nations, and defense contractors have recovered fragments “of exotic origin (non-human intelligence, whether extraterrestrial or unknown origin) based on the vehicle morphologies and material science testing and the possession of unique atomic arrangements and radiological signatures.” Grusch goes on to state that the “material includes intact and partially intact vehicles.”

That should be a lively topic of discussion.

Rep. Tim Burchett teased the meeting with an apocalyptic statement that didn’t help his cause. “If they’re out there, they’re out there. And if they have this kind of technology, then they could turn us into a charcoal briquette,” he said.

“And if they can travel light years or at the speeds that we’ve seen, and physics as we know it, fly underwater, don’t show a heat trail, things like that, then we are vastly out of our league.”

“We can’t handle it,” Burchett said during a podcast appearance about potential alien tech. “We couldn’t fight them off if we wanted to. That’s why I don’t think they’re a threat to us, or they would already have been.”


Several red flags are raised when a startling UFO claim is made.


Despite the early stages, the hearing has already sparked pushback not only within the committee but from the Defense Department, according to Burchett.

Another GOP member of the Oversight Committee, granted anonymity to speak candidly, said they plan to attend, but: “There are some people who want to stop it. There are some people who want to do it.” That lawmaker also said that they had been told the hearing will take place during the final week of July.

“There’s just internal machinations between staff and members … Some don’t want to do it at this time right now, think it is a bad idea,” the member said, adding that there was a concern that “people will run wild with it.”

There’s a government turf war underway involving NASA, DoD, the intelligence community, and probably a few other agencies — all of whom want to run point on the most impactful investigation in human history. What we’ve seen so far is that none of the key agencies involved are playing well together.

That doesn’t bode well for getting to the bottom of the UFO mysteries.


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