Energy Secretary Granholm Praises China's Response to Climate Change

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

There is very little that an American should find praiseworthy about China. The Communists are lying, thieving, secretive, paranoid, oppressive, murderous thugs.


On the other hand, they possess a certain Oriental politeness that hardly redeems them but then, I try to be balanced whenever possible.

But Biden’s Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm couldn’t stop praising Communist China during a recent interview at the annual SXSW conference in Austin, Texas. Granholm showed her admiration for the Butchers of Beijing for the way they’ve shown the world how to deal with climate change.

She said China is actually “very sensitive” about the issue, more so than the United States. That might seem strange to the residents of Beijing and other large Chinese cities, who are very “sensitive” to the choking clouds of air pollution that regularly bedevil these urban areas.

SXSW Studio host Wajahat Ali conducted the interview with Granholm and tried to steer the conversation to how bad both China and the United States were in dealing with climate change. Ali asked, “How do we hold China and ourselves accountable for what we are doing around the world?”

Granholm eagerly leaped to China’s defense. Fox News:

She then praised China’s climate change efforts, saying, “But, I think China has done — has been very sensitive, and has actually invested a lot in their solutions, to achieve their goals.”

Granholm added, “So we’re — we’re hopeful that, you know, we can all learn from what China is doing.”

The secretary also noted, “the amount of money that they’re investing in clean energy is actually, you know, encouraging.”

The U.S. and China have agreed to cooperate on the climate crisis in the last couple of years, though some experts don’t believe that China is as serious about protecting the climate as the country claims.


The problem is that China doesn’t give a whit about climate change. They care about appearing to do something about climate change.

Texas Public Policy Foundation chief national initiatives officer Chuck DeVore told Fox News Digital in February that China’s climate change initiatives are “merely a device to engage gullible Westerners into thinking that somehow we can get meaningful cooperation.”

In fact, China is building more coal-fired electric plants at three times the rate of the rest of the world combined.

Wilson Center:

However, in the meantime, China still consumes nearly five times as much coal as India, and nearly six times as much as the United States (the second and third largest coal consumers, respectively), and is building a huge number of new plants. According to Enerdata’s 2021 Yearbook, while global coal consumption dropped more than 4% globally, and 19% in the EU, coal consumption went up in China. In other words, China may be planning to cut coal use in several years’ time, but how high will the base level be before the reductions begin?

Related: The Morning Briefing: That Noise You Hear Is the ChiComs Laughing at Pudding Brain Biden


That our own Energy Secretary has fallen hook, line, and sinker for Chinese propaganda isn’t surprising. Biden’s cabinet members have a particularly hard time hiding their misplaced enthusiasm when it comes to China.


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