Why Doesn't Anyone Want to Attend a Joe Biden Rally?

AP Photo/Rebecca Droke

Labor Day in the U.S. is the traditional opening of the national political season. From then to election day is a sprint as carefully husbanded resources are poured into the race.


With candidates making three or four campaign stops a day, it’s the time when advanced teams are supposed to shine. Advance teams work with local Democrats on the ground to ensure a large turnout for the candidate as well as set up press interviews and generally make the stop as headache-free as it can get.

But it appears that Biden’s advance teams dropped the ball on Labor Day. The president made a stop at a union rally in Wilkes-Barre, Penn., and was greeted warmly enough but by what anyone would describe as a small crowd.

Here’s a contrast between Biden’s crowd at an event in Wisconsin and Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania two days earlier.


Washington Times:

But soon after photos of the event billed as part of Mr. Biden’s celebration “of the dignity of American workers” surfaced, online Republicans began calling out the meager attendance.

The Republican National Committee tweeted a shot of Mr. Biden at the speaker’s podium in front of the union hall with just a few dozen gathered to hear him.

MASSIVE crowd for Joe Biden in Pennsylvania today!” read the post, accompanied by two laughing emojis.

The event was open to members of the union, their families, and state and local elected officials.

It’s not just Democratic voters who are avoiding Biden. The Democratic candidates for Senate and governor in Ohio found something better to do on the day that Biden was in their state. And in Wisconsin, Senate candidate Mandela Barnes said he had “other events to attend” that would cause him to miss the Biden rally.

Daily Mail:

‘The Lt. Governor appreciates the President coming to Wisconsin to honor the labor movement in our state,’ spokeswoman Maddy McDaniel told DailyMail.com when asked why Barnes was not present.

‘Mandela walked in the Milwaukee parade and then went to support Wisconsin workers at events across the state, including in Racine where UAW Local 180 has been on strike for over 100 days.’

A recent poll shows Barnes leading the incumbent Republican by seven points with roughly two months until the pivotal race.


I don’t think Biden helped Barnes much when he accused a member of the audience of “destroying democracy.”

Perhaps it’s because presidents are so ubiquitous in popular culture. Biden’s face is everywhere, and his words have blended in the background. But drawing a tiny crowd like that for a union event? That’s truly pathetic and indicative the flat fact that, no matter what the polls are saying about Biden’s approval rating, no one much likes our president.


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