Warren, Buttigieg Release Plans to Ensure Equality of Rights for LGBTQ Community

South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg participates in the first of two Democratic presidential primary debates hosted by CNN Tuesday, July 30, 2019, at the Fox Theatre in Detroit. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)

Ahead of tonight’s Democratic Party town hall in Los Angeles on LGBTQ rights, several candidates released their plans on how to address the problems in the LGBTQ community.


Presidential hopefuls Pete Buttigieg, Elizabeth Warren, and Kamala Harris issued proposals, trying to outdo one another in their pandering to an important Democratic constituency.

The Hill:

Buttigieg, who is the first openly gay major presidential candidate, plans to push Congress to pass the Equality Act if elected. The legislation, which passed the House in May, would amend the Civil Rights Act to block discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation and gender identity.

The Democrat would also establish a national mentorship program for LGBTQ youth, as well as protect the rights and safety of all LBGTQ individuals.

And the South Bend, Ind., mayor would improve and expand health care for LGBTQ individuals, including aiming to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2030 through investing in research for a cure.

Elizabeth Warren’s plans are even more ambitious:

Warren, meanwhile, pledged in her plan to use the first 100 days of her presidency to bring back and expand Obama-era protections for the LGBTQ community.

The senator also calls for passing the Equality Act, as well as ensuring the LGBTQ community has access to affordable housing and affordable health care. Warren specifically advocates for the LGBTQ community to be covered under her “Medicare for All” plan.

Warren’s plan also sets the goal of ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

It’s a noble goal to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic in 10 years. But practically speaking, how much more money is needed? We’re already spending $2.8 billion in trying to find a cure with $28 billion being spent across the board on treatment and prevention programs.


This vending machine mentality on cures for difficult diseases is absurd. You don’t just put money in and expect a cure to come out. There are a limited number of researchers and labs working on an AIDS cure. Throwing more money at them will not bring about a cure any faster.

Passing the Equality Act would probably clear up some very muddy legal and regulatory waters while not materially affecting the lives of LGBTQ people. Some might have a problem with “gender” protections, but discrimination will be difficult to prove and it won’t be a big issue. As it stands now, LGBTQ “rights” are a mishmash of state laws and regulations. Federalizing these standards would give clarity to judges and bureaucrats.

As for the rest from both Buttigieg and Warren, it’s boilerplate Democratic promises. These proposals are actually fairly mild when you consider what many activists are demanding. Very little of it will make it to the next president’s desk for signing anyway, unless there is a massive political upheaval next November.


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