Compelling Video of Turkish Police Retaking CNN-Turk Broadcast Studio

The video below may depict the moment when the coup against President Erdogan collapsed.

It shows police storming the broadcast studios of CNN-Turk, the last media outlet held by the rebels.


The video becomes more intense the longer it plays, with employees appearing to help the police subdue the rebel soldiers.

The Hill:

A Turkish TV station’s newsroom erupted into chaos Saturday as police and civilians battled soldiers in the aftermath of an attempted military coup.

Turkish military made an attempt to overthrow the nation’s government late Friday, trying to assert control of bridges, public areas and state-run news agencies.

As part of the coup attempt, armed soldiers overtook the newsroom of CNN Turk in Istanbul, cutting out the live broadcast and trying to force employees out, according to multiple reports.

Turkish police entered the building and, along with civilians, had violent face-offs with the soldiers as they arrested them, The Guardian reported.

The failure of the rebels to secure this broadcast network probably led to their downfall. They managed to take over state-run TV, but inexplicably, didn’t think of securing the independent CNN-Turk.

The retaking of the facility quickly led to the collapse of the coup attempt.


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