Got a Minute? We Need Your Vote to Send a Conservative Panel to SXSW to Talk About Big Tech

Zach Graves, head of policy for the Lincoln Network, has assembled a panel of conservatives to send to the next SXSW conference and we need your help to make it happen. (Don’t worry, I’m not going to ask you for money!)


If you’re not familiar with SXSW (pronounced south by southwest), it describes itself this way:

Founded in 1987 in Austin, Texas, SXSW is best known for its conference and festivals that celebrate the convergence of the interactive, film, and music industries.

South By Southwest dedicates itself to helping creative people achieve their goals.

An essential destination for global professionals, the event features sessions, showcases, screenings, exhibitions, and a variety of networking opportunities. SXSW proves that the most unexpected discoveries happen when diverse topics and people come together.

An Austin reporter who covered the conference in 2017 described it this way to CNN: “(SXSW) is not designed to be a liberal thing, but the messaging is often liberal, mostly because the industries that are involved are de facto liberal industries.” So why would a bunch of conservative/libertarian types want to attend a liberal-leaning conference? Simple: We believe we have a compelling message to share and we want folks from all walks of life to understand where we’re coming from and what we believe — and maybe change a few minds while we’re there.

The conference, which will take place in March of next year, features a track on Government and Politics and that’s where I — and you — come in. There’s a multi-step process for getting a panel approved and the decision will be made in part based on the number of votes the panel receives from the public.


I’ve been writing about Big Tech for several years now and it’s a major area of concern for me. A question I keep asking is: How can we encourage these companies to give conservatives a fair shake without trampling on the liberties of private businesses and individuals? Over the last few years there’s been an awful lot of shouting about Big Tech bias, but very little thoughtful discussion on how to solve the problem. It’s a complicated question, and I look forward to fleshing it out with the other panelist:

I know this is an issue PJM readers care deeply about, and rightly so. The next few years will determine whether we can all speak freely or whether we’ll be confined to the dark corners of the internet. So I hope you’ll take a quick second to upvote our panel. You’ll have to create an account and hand over your email address, but consider it a worthy cause — and I’ll owe you one! Bonus points if you share this post on social media and help spread the word!

Click here to vote.



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