Herman Cain on Trump: None of the Democratic 2020 Hopefuls Can ‘Beat Him Honestly’

(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

WASHINGTON – Former GOP Presidential Candidate Herman Cain predicted that President Donald Trump will defeat Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and any other 2020 presidential candidate as long as it’s a “fair race.”


Cain said Vice President Biden represents the “status quo” in politics and that no one in the Democratic presidential field would be able to beat Trump “honestly.”

“He [Biden] will preside if he’s elected president but he’s not going to lead,” Cain said during a recent interview after a “Big Tech Vs. Free Speech: Conservatives Push Back on Blacklisting” discussion at the National Press Club. “If Biden is the nominee and you have fair elections, Trump will beat him.”

Cain expressed opposition to calls from some Democrats to abolish the Electoral College.

“New York, California, Texas and Florida would pick every president from this point on,” he said.

Watch the video interview with Cain here:


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