Middle-Schooler Stands Up to School Administration Bullies for Gadsden Flag

(AP Photo/Ryan Kang)

A twelve-year-old named Jaiden is the new face of liberty in America after refusing to remove his Gadsden flag patch from his backpack when school officials ordered him to. His mother secretly recorded her meeting with school officials in Colorado Springs who told her that Jaiden isn’t allowed to wear the symbol of the American Revolution because it has “its origins in slavery.” This ridiculous and false assertion was made by a sour-faced woman, the school’s director, who glared at Jaiden as she admonished his mother.


“The reason we do not want the flag displayed is due to its origins with slavery and the slave trade,” she said while gesticulating wildly as if her hand movements would hide the absurd drivel coming out of her mouth. Jaiden’s mother responded, “The Gadsden flag?” and the administrator responded affirmatively, vigorously nodding and repeating, “the ‘don’t tread on me.'”

This ridiculously uneducated educator continued to tell Jaiden and his mother that he would be allowed to take his things out of his bag and go to class but not to take the bag with him due to the district’s desire that other students would not be exposed to America’s Revolutionary War flag (that a bunch of college-educated morons think is a white supremacy flag).

Even after being told that the Gadsden flag has nothing to do with slavery and everything to do with the American Revolution, the administrator kept wildly waving her arms and repeating, “I’m just here to enforce the district policy.” A review of the district policy did not find any mention of a ban on patches of any kind. Nor does it mention the Gadsden flag. What the policy does say is that teeshirts depicting violence or alcohol or drugs are not allowed.


Shortly after being kicked out of school for standing his ground, Jaiden took a photo standing next to a teacher’s car in the parking lot that is covered in bumper stickers of a political nature including one that says “Don’t mess with trans kids.” It appears that the rules only apply to patriotic kids and not radical lefty teachers.

After the tweet went viral and people began calling the school, the district held an emergency meeting and issued a statement. But the statement claimed that Jaiden was also wearing patches that had “weapons” on them. The only patches on his bag are images of St. Michael the archangel, who carries a sword, and one patch that has words that say “bear arms” on it. The only other patch on his bag is the Dogecoin dog and a sign for his school campaign for VP. Forcing him to remove the images of St. Michael could be seen as religious persecution, but it appears the school has made him remove the patron saint of police officers. However, they’ve now changed their tune about the Gadsden flag.


“Last week a student came to school with patches affixed to his backpack, with a half dozen patches depicting guns/weapons and one referencing alcohol,” read the statement. I have looked closely at the patches and see nothing depicting alcohol, two St. Michael patches showing a sword, and one patch regarding Second Amendment advocacy with a very small rifle in the middle. The school has not apologized for framing Jaiden as some kind of violent weirdo.

“[I]n addition to these patches the ‘Don’t Tread On Me’ flag patch, also known as the Gadsden flag, needed to be removed in accordance with Harrison School District 2’s policy.” After the video of the administrator making a fool of herself went viral, the district rethought its policy. “From Vanguard’s founding we have proudly supported our Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the ordered liberty that all Americans have enjoyed for almost 250 years. The Vanguard School recognizes the historical significance of the Gadsden flag and its place in history… At this time, the Vanguard School Board and the District have informed the student’s family that he may attend school with the Gadsden flag patch visible on his backpack.”

How magnanimous of them. But they’d better let him have his St. Michael patches back, too, since banning those is a violation of his First Amendment religious liberty!

Further, how dare they issue this statement without a public apology? It has been reported that Jaiden went back to school on Tuesday but sat alone at lunch and had to have recess by himself. He has been made an outcast by the bullies in the administration and teaching staff who have unconstitutionally attempted to coerce him into believing he’s a racist for wearing our nation’s most beloved Revolutionary symbol. They’ve also probably scared parents by falsely claiming the patches had “weapons” on them with no context.


Shame on them! What happened to anti-bullying programs at school? They’ve tried to intimidate a child for political points! This is the work of sick, twisted psychos who need to be reprimanded and fired.

PJ Media reached out to the principal of the school for a comment on this idiocy but has not received a response as of publishing. If they do respond, we will update our article. I hope that Jaiden’s parents reach out to the multiple attorneys who have contacted them and offered help. This situation should not go unchallenged, even though the school made the right decision after public pressure. It should never have happened in the first place and has no doubt caused undue suffering and public humiliation for the child and his family.

Related: Keep Calm and Sue Everyone: Wauwatosa School Board Is About to Find Out What Free Speech Is All About

Further, Jaiden is running for VP of his school student council. This action by administrators should be seen as election tampering and election interference. Perhaps the district attorney should arrest them since election interference is such a serious crime! Is there a criminal organization operating in the Vanguard school system? If only we had district attorneys who would make examples out of people who terrorize our kids.

Silly me. Winning is for Democrats.

Keep up the good work, Jaiden. You’re a far better man than anyone on that school board.


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