Trial of Ohio Child Rapist Gerson Fuentes Delayed Again

AP Photo/Paul Vernon

Gerson Fuentes, the illegal alien arrested and charged in the rape of a ten-year-old child who was taken across state lines for an abortion last July by pro-abortion activists, will not stand trial today. Fuentes appeared in front of Judge Julie Lynch  in an Ohio courtroom, where his case was continued for the third time to July 5.


In the summer of 2022, abortionist Caitlin Bernard gave an interview to the media claiming that Ohio’s heartbeat bill and the fall of Roe v. Wade  were to blame for her 10-year-old patient having to be driven across state lines to have an abortion after suffering a rape. Bernard said the child was a few days past the legal deadline in Ohio and had to travel to Indiana. The entire mainstream media repeated the story without doing any investigative work into the claims and caused international outrage that was then directed at Republican governors.

The problem with the story was revealed when PJ Media started asking questions about the rapist and why the mainstream media had not looked for or reported on a criminal case attached to the rape. The Washington Post launched an inquiry and was unable to confirm that there was any criminal case at all, and Bernard wouldn’t answer reporters’ questions, leading many to doubt the veracity of the doctor’s claims. Not even the attorney general of Ohio could get the Ohio police to tell him if there was anyone charged for the heinous crime.


After the fact check by the Washington Post and a Fox News investigation, Gerson Fuentes was arrested the very next day. Fuentes turned out to be in the country illegally. No one has ever explained why Ohio lawmakers and the attorney general himself were kept from the knowledge that there was an investigation into the crime.

Ohio lawmakers were also puzzled as to the claims that the child could not receive an abortion under the emergency provisions in the law that clearly state that doctors have the ability to perform abortions in an emergency. PJ Media was unable to find one Republican in Ohio who did not categorize the rape and impregnation of a ten-year-old child as an emergency that would be covered under the law.

Sadly, after the rapist was identified, the media dropped the plight of the ten-year-old almost completely. Only Telemundo, PJ Media, and Townhall have continued to follow the story. Every other network, after deciding that the story could not be used to bash conservatives and instead threw a spotlight onto illegal immigrants who commit heinous crimes against children, lost interest and never reported on Fuentes or the victim again.


PJ Media will continue to follow this story through the trial of Fuentes and try to ascertain the facts of this case that have been so skewed by preferred media (and Democrat—but I repeat myself) narratives. Sources say that Fuentes’s trial will most likely be delayed several more times before it finally comes to trial.

To catch up on this case, see the articles below:

Ohio 10-Year-Old Rape Horror Spotlights Child Protection Agencies and Lack of Transparency

Illegal Alien Arrested in Rape of 10-Year-Old Abortion Patient, but Questions Remain

Why PJ Media’s Reporting on the 10-Year-Old Rape Victim Matters




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