
Every Time a Patriotic Country Boy Says 'No' to Foreign Wars, Adam Kinzinger Cries

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File

Something is happening, and the World War III advocates don’t like it one bit. UFC fighter Bryce Mitchell is trending on Twitter and was invited on Tucker Carlson after his remarks on the Russian war went viral. For some reason, sports reporters thought it was a good idea to ask an athlete what he thinks about the Russia/Ukraine conflict. They weren’t prepared for the answer they got. “I’m not going nowhere to fight none of these wars for these politicians,” he said. “I’m staying at home and when the war comes to Arkansas I will dig my boots into the ground and I will die for everything I love and I will not retreat.”

Mitchell is expressing what a lot of Americans feel after decades of foreign wars. “I’m not going overseas to fight,” said Mitchell. “I don’t know what’s going on.”

And we really don’t, do we? We know the media lies. There is no way for us to know what is actually going on across an ocean when everything is filtered through our corporate media, which makes it a habit to misinform us at every opportunity. Remember Snake Island and the Ghost of Kyiv? (And when did we start spelling it Kyiv and not Kiev? I feel gaslighted every single day! I don’t even know how to spell Kyiv/Kiev! Why would I agree to send troops there?)

Related: UKRAINE WAR: An (Almost) Complete Collection of Everything We’re Doing Wrong

Are you comfortable sending your kid off to World War III based on the stuff we hear in the media? America’s record of invading countries isn’t great. We found out far too late there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The WMD lie was used to get the American people’s support to invade Iraq and kill Sadaam Hussein. But it wasn’t true. We all know that now. September 11 was used as an excuse to invade Afghanistan, which turned into a 20-year war that we lost, when all the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. It never made sense.

We had to wage war for 20 years to find one guy, Osama Bin Laden? Why couldn’t we have hunted him with drones and special forces? Did we need an entire army on the ground? How much did we know about the real reasons we bombed the hell out of goat farmers in Afghanistan for two decades? How much money did the military-industrial complex—filled with contractors, weapons manufacturers, bio-weapons Big Pharma turds, etc.—make on these conflicts while the American people lost their sons and daughters?

Mitchell is being attacked on social media, including by war-monger Republican Adam Kinzinger who mocked Mitchell saying, “Oh my Lord. This is America. By the way “I’ll fight when the war comes to Arkansas…” WHAT?? The WW2 generation would love to slap him I’m sure.”

Kinzinger attacked private citizen Mitchell with his large platform and basically called him a coward because he doesn’t want to go fight a war he has no stake in. But the reason for the attack, besides Kinzinger being a jerk, is that the pro-war elite wants desperately to escalate this squabble between Ukraine and Russia into the next American conflict because they stand to make billions of dollars. They don’t care if you or your kids die to do it. And Kinzinger and his ilk are angry as hell that a home-grown country kid who should be the first to strap on the boots in a fit of patriotic rage and march onto a plane to go kill some other woman’s son is saying, “I’m staying home,” for the first time in 100 years.

Related: Lights, Camera, War! Hollywood Hard at Work in Ukraine

But it’s not all about the money. It’s also about the consolidation of power. Athena Thorne brilliantly wrote the other day, “We are being manipulated to cheer, donate, and help out (and suck it up when we’re devastated by higher fuel prices and ensuing inflation) while globalists take all sorts of novel, hostile actions.  Meanwhile, every single one of these weapons that Big Global is building to crush Putin can and will be used against other ‘enemies’ in the future.”

She continued, “And as with every past panic, none of their thrilling new powers will ever go away once the ‘crisis’ has passed. It’s a ratchet.” We see what they are doing now. And it isn’t just the politically-saturated and aware journos and talking heads like us who see it. The little people are catching on too. Mitchell’s appearance on Tucker Carlson should send shivers down the spines of Big Global and the War Machine (which is what I’m going to call my band if we avoid nuclear winter and can have fun again). Mitchell is an everyman. He’s the guy you need to fight your wars, and Big Global lost him.

This is a sign that the power of persuasion the war hawks used to have has totally faded in conservative circles. That’s not good for the guys beating the war drums, but it is good for peace. The only people the media and the warmongers seem to have amped up to go fight another foreign war are skinny dudes on estrogen who make Tik Tok videos. Good luck with that. The American military has been misused and abused for way too long. We have way too many problems here at home to involve ourselves in the problems of other countries at the cost of American lives. Mitchell is a canary in the coal mine to Big War. They just lost the guys they count on to do their dirty work. It’s beautiful.

I used to think the old hippie dream of soldiers laying down their guns was stupid—probably because I was still brainwashed by the Big Narrative at the time—but now I have real hope that the people whom the ruling elite continue to use to carry out their terror and bloodshed will—just like Mitchell—say “No. I’m staying home.” Let’s put Putin and Zelensky and Biden and George Soros, and even little Adam Kinzinger and any other world leader who wants to fight and kill people in a ring and let them fight it out amongst themselves. We can put it on pay-per-view and watch them kill each other. This would be preferable to any Russian or Ukrainian or American citizen dying for the suits with lust for war.

And maybe we’d all get lucky and they’ll all croak and we could get back to tending to our gardens, homes, and families. The enemy isn’t in the tanks or on the battleships. The enemies are the ones directing the battle and trying to convince the rest of us to fight. It’s time to stop following the orders. Let’s bring back flower power. Stop fighting wars for these psychopaths! What if they threw a war and no one showed up?


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