This report is part 5 of an investigative series looking into reported corruption in the Missouri Judiciary and family courts. For the rest of the investigation visit the catalog here.
Since the report of St. Louis County Circuit Court Judge Nicole Zellweger’s courtroom abuses became public, PJ Media has received a flood of emails from other victims claiming similar treatment at the hands of St. Louis County judges, guardians ad litem (GAL), psychologists, and other court-appointed officials.
One of the letters we received alleges a familiar tale starring GAL Elaine Pudlowski, Esq., who is being sued for her role in what looks like massive collusion and corruption that harms families. Pudlowski is featured in Part 2 and Part 3 of this investigation.
I would like to thank you for your hard work with the article involving family courts. It has been corrupt for many years and there has been little anybody has been able to do. I have asked in cases many times that microphones be turned on or I be allowed to record what was being said. Always told no! Then when you bring up what was said you are told “I would never say that.” Ms. Pudlowski advised my attorney for me to settle my custody battle before things got out of hand. Before she did that I was charged over $2,000 for a home visit, where she spent less than 10 minutes at the house. Judge Beach is the one who ordered it, and forced me to pay for it.
In St. Charles County Judge Burlison made a statement that her job was to make sure the guardian was being paid. She forced a psychological evaluation on me and then tried to force me to pay for it. I had to pull the same MO Supreme Court Ruling she used to do it to keep from paying for it.
I have several stories over this and child support (an even worse system to deal with).
Judge Douglas Beach and Judge Erin Burlison have skeletons in their closets, too. For instance, Beach is a former judge on the St. Louis County Circuit Court and now works at JAMS, a mediation company that Zellweger orders petitioners in her courtroom to use at the exorbitant price of $1,200 down and $450 an hour. A whistleblower attorney in St. Louis contacted PJ Media confidentially to tell the public what is really happening in St. Louis courts. This attorney with ten years of experience told PJM, “If a litigant cannot pay the amount ordered, a judge has contempt power to strike all the litigant’s pleadings from a case.” In other words, if you can’t pay for justice, you aren’t getting it. Is that what you thought justice was in America? Due process in Saint Louis County appears to be gasping for its last breath, if not dead.
Judge Erin Burlison is an interesting figure, too. She is the daughter of St. Louis City Circuit Judge Rex Burlison. St. Charles County whistleblowers told PJ Media that Burlison was a Democrat when she lived in St. Louis as an attorney, but then she moved to St. Charles County—which is conservative—and ran for judge as a Republican. The Swamp only has one allegiance and that’s to The Swamp. Parties are irrelevant.

Nice abs, your Honor. It’s a bold move in 2021 to have a Twitter account as a judge.
But that’s not the really interesting part—not even close. Judge Burlison has a complicated personal life that seems odd for a sitting judge. She appears to be in an on-again-off-again relationship with the county prosecutor, Tim Lohmar. Is it ethical for a judge to bang the gavel with the prosecutor of her county? Does that raise questions about her bias? I wonder what that pillow talk is like!
Their relationship is reportedly like a telenovela! The police had to get involved at least once (maybe twice), as reported by CBS News in St. Charles.
St. Charles County prosecutor Tim Lohmar said Wednesday he acted irresponsibly in his conduct toward Judge Erin Burlison, issuing a statement to media that read:
“I sincerely apologize to Judge Erin Burlison for my conduct. I acknowledge that my actions were irresponsible, and I am taking necessary steps for self-improvement. I am truly sorry to have caused pain to Ms. Burlison, her family, and others who may have been affected.”
Lohmar apologized for going to Burlison’s house in the middle of the night and banging on the door until she called 911.
It’s a good thing our officers of the court are so much better and more qualified than you to make decisions about what’s best for your children. I feel safer already knowing an esteemed prosecutor like Lohmar can run around at night scaring women and attempting to break down a door without getting arrested and charged. Don’t you? What do you call the kind of privilege that keeps you from getting arrested for doing illegal things? Court-approved privilege? CBS continued:
The statement followed an investigation from the Missouri Attorney General’s office regarding accusations of harassment from Burlison, who is a St. Charles County judge. Burlison responded with a statement following Lohmar’s apology:
“I appreciate that Mr. Lohmar acknowledged his irresponsible actions. I believe we all are ready to move on from this unfortunate situation.”
I’m glad she feels better, but I wonder how people who have been in front of her for the crime of trespassing, menacing, domestic disturbances, and disorderly conduct feel about it.
“Burlison and Lohmar were in a long-term relationship which ended in January,” continues the article on the St. Charles CBS website.
But did it end? How is anyone supposed to know what Burlison is doing on her own time? And how are litigants in her court supposed to feel comfortable not knowing if today is a bad day or a good day for the lothario prosecutor and the robed object of his obsession? Can a judge be unbiased about cases argued in front of her by her ex-boyfriend or his staff?
Really, Missouri? What is going on with your judiciary? And why doesn’t the Senate Judiciary Oversight Committee respond to our inquiries into what they are going to do about it?
If Missouri lawmakers think this story will blow over, I’d like to inform them that we’ve received so many emails from victims and whistleblowers that it’s going to take several months to get through them and report them all. In other words, whoever is in charge of investigating the Missouri judiciary (Senator Tony Luetkemeyer) you’d better get started. We aren’t going to give up and get bored with the most egregious set of judicial scandals anyone has ever seen just because your office isn’t returning calls.
If you or someone you know is experiencing the reported culture of corruption in St. Louis County Courts please reach out to [email protected] with your story. If you are a whistleblower attorney or court professional your identity will be protected.
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