Biden's State of the Union Ratings Were Embarrassingly Bad

Jacquelyn Martin, Pool

It looks like Americans just aren’t that into watching Joe Biden speak. A mere 27.3 million people bothered to watch his second State of the Union address on television, which is “the second smallest audience for the annual event in at least 30 years,” according to Nielsen.


That’s a drop of nearly 28% from the 38.2 million tuned in to his State of the Union in 2022.

For comparison, according to Nielsen, Donald Trump’s second State of the Union address in 2019 received 46,789,000 television viewers.

This might actually be good news for Biden since he slurred and mumbled at times throughout his speech.

“The only smaller audience since 1993 was the 26.9 million who watched Biden’s address to Congress in 2021 — not officially a State of the Union speech since he had just taken office a few months earlier,” reports the Associated Press. “That speech was delivered on the unusually late date of April 28.”

But that is not even the most stunning number. According to Nielsen, nearly three-quarters (73%) of those who watched the speech were 55 and older, and only 5% were under age 35.


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