On Saturday, Judge Peter Thompson of the Maricopa Superior Court released his decision in Lake v. Hobbs. The two-day trial proved that enormous tabulation mistakes happened in elections in Maricopa County, Ariz., because of a change in printer settings on Election Day, which rendered ballots produced with those settings unreadable by the machines. It also revealed evidence of chain of custody problems with the ballots. Affidavits from citizens who were unable to vote because of the chaos on Election Day were also provided.
Unfortunately, Judge Thompson ruled against Kari Lake.

It was a stunning ruling, given the evidence provided by Lake’s legal team. Kari Lake has already promised to appeal the ruling.
“My Election Case provided the world with evidence that proves our elections are run outside of the law. This Judge did not rule in our favor,” she tweeted. “However, for the sake of restoring faith and honesty in our elections, I will appeal his ruling.”
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