Stacey Abrams Teamed up With George Soros to Indoctrinate Kids Against Voter ID

AP Photo/Brynn Anderson

Stacey Abrams is still working hard to turn Georgia into a blue state, and the next frontier of her campaign is indoctrinating kids. According to a report from Fox News, Atlanta public high school students were invited to attend a democracy class hosted by the New Georgia Project, a voting “rights” group founded by Abrams and funded by leftist billionaire George Soros.


The main goal of the group is to flip Georgia blue, yet it claims on its website to be a “non-partisan effort to register and civically engage the rising electorate in” Georgia.

“Atlanta Public Schools (APS) teamed up with the New Georgia Project and Rock the Vote at the beginning of the school year last August to launch a voting rights-focused lesson plan for roughly 2,000 high schoolers called ‘Democracy Class Atlanta,'” Fox News reports. The lesson plan reportedly teaches students that “voter identification laws are ‘restrictive’ and make voting ‘more difficult,’ and that policies limiting ‘flexible voting options’ like mail-in voting restrict people’s ‘freedom to vote.'”

Former Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) has her own group to counter the New Georgia Project, called Greater Georgia, and she blasted Atlantic Public Schools for working with a blatantly partisan organization.


“Civics curriculum is an important part of an education that prepares students for lives of leadership and service,” Loeffler told Fox News. “But allowing partisan groups like The New Georgia Project to advocate for liberal policies in the classroom is wrong. Schools fail to serve the best interests of their students when they promote a political agenda and push them into partisan activism rather than academic success.”


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