Did a San Francisco School Bar White Children From a Playdate?

(AP Photo/John Raoux)

Well, all I have to say is thank God for California and San Francisco. If it were not for the wild-eyed, hate-filled, borderline-sociopathic tendencies of the left-wing denizens in these locales, the nation might actually begin to heal and focus on making life better. But there is no way to remind a country how important it is to focus on divisions and animosity than by stoking division and animosity. Of course, without hatred and division, all sorts of progressives could find their jobs and egos at risk. Of course, there is nothing progressives like more than to work themselves into a full-on, mouth-foaming frenzy of anger and, when necessary, create the conditions to produce it. Or, as I once overheard one coworker say to another, “If you’re breathing, you’re b****ing.” And once again progressives have demonstrated how important it is to combat racism by fostering racism.


The Post Millennial has an interesting story about an elementary school in — where else? — San Francisco. It apparently hosted a playdate/social on the 26th of this month. It was a chance for everyone to get together and the kids to meet one another. Unless, of course, your child is white. In which case, you would have needed to find something else for your child to do on that day. Libs of TikTok located the flyer:

Yes, you read that right. The playdate was only open to black, brown, and API families. After all, it is vitally important that white school children, who are still learning to read, count, and identify primary colors and have no issues about race, be singled out as the worst human beings on earth and branded as the cause for all of society’s ills based solely on the color of their skin. And it is equally important that black, brown, and API children be raised to hate white children, become proper victims, and live lives of rage and despair. Think of the book sales, useless degrees, DEI jobs, grants, and rants that would be at risk. And, if there is no racism present, what better thing to do than to seed it among the young?


Related: Race Hate Is Official Government Policy

In the musical “South Pacific” by Rodgers and Hammerstein, there is a song called “You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught.” Although the story takes place during the Second World War, the lyrics are eerily contemporary:

You’ve got to be taught to hate and fear,
You’ve got to be taught from year to year,
It’s got to be drummed in your dear little ear—
You’ve got to be carefully taught!

You’ve got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a different shade—
You’ve got to be carefully taught.

You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate—
You’ve got to be carefully taught!
You’ve got to be carefully taught!

I was cheated before
And I’m cheated again
By a mean little world
Of mean little men.
And the one chance for me
Is the life I know best.

To be on an island
And to hell with the rest.
I will cling to this island
Like a tree or a stone,
I will cling to this island
And be free—and alone.

Of course, social media had a few things to say about the “playdate.”  The Post Millennial had this:

I dunno about others, but I’m genuinely upset about what ultimately boils down to a ‘No whites allowed’ playdate,” said the Reddit user, who posted the event graphic online. In other comments, the user said the event invite was “emailed to all the parents,” and that they are “particularly impassioned by this BECAUSE of how backwards it is.”

He added, “I am firmly against racial segregation in any form, and think this is the kind of event that pulls more people AWAY from the cause they are likely trying to promote.”

The Reddit user also appeared to suggest that such events are pushing regular people to become more politically conservative, writing, “I know people who have literally gone full blown conservative/Trumpers because of sh*t like this, which is in large part why I think I have such a visceral reaction to this event. (sic)


Of course, your humble correspondent was not satisfied with that example alone. Here are some other quotes from the Reddit thread:

“When I was in elementary school we were not allowed to advertise parties unless everyone was invited.”

“This is hosted by the equity & inclusion committee. Not a great sign of achieving its goals, at least as defined.”

“Pretty ironic the org is called ‘equity and inclusion'”

“To me it just reaffirms the race concept as a valid idea. White isn’t something you can identify genetically so if a kid just looks white but actually has parents who arent considered white they’d be excluded. Its just stupid to do this sh*t”

“I’m Asian and I find this disgusting. It’s segregation, no matter who’s doing it and to who. If it’s people of color inventing and pushing this, it’s hateful and those people are ashamed. If it’s white people, it’s honestly a form of social cucking. Either way, it’s f*****g weird.”

“I can’t tell you how much this affected me last year. I don’t use the word triggered, almost ever, but I was straight up triggered. I’m not sure why, but I had a pretty visceral reaction to this event last year. Emailed both organizers and the principal, and thought we had a good conversation about it last year. Then they do it again. I’ve been trying to let it go but had to get it off my chest, I can’t rationalize it and the backwards nature of it is sorta eating away at me.”


“Hosted by Equity and Inclusion Committee” LoL These people are out of touch.”

“Also I hate the term API. WTF is API? They just bundle Middle-Eastern, Indians, East Asians, and Pacific Islanders together. That says how much they don’t know anything.”

“Non-white person here and I agree with you as well. Segregation in 2023 is pretty ridiculous. Born and raised in the bay with so many friends of different cultures. Diversity is one of the things I appreciate the most about the Bay Area.”

“Latino here and agree this is stupid! I’m not sure what the point of this even is. This woke sh*t is getting out of hand.”

“Teaching kids horrible values”

“No redskins – Guess they don’t like American Indians either. I’m Cherokee and Creek. Any white kids wanna play with me?”

“Downvote me all you want but this is the kind of nonsense that pushes white people into the arms of Trump and DeSantis.”

“WTAF? This is the Bay Area, where we include everyone. I’m born and raised here and this kind of thing was unheard of in the 80s and 90s. It seems like something has changed here and it’s disturbing. We all used to just get along and now there seems to be so much tribalism, like everything is “us” vs. “them” and it hurts my heart. 😔”

“At my school district zoom training about equity, they thought it would be a good idea to have some of the breakout rooms ‘no whites allowed.’ All the white teachers were too scared to say anything, then a black teacher spoke up and said it was the most ridiculous thing he’s ever seen and the district was forcing segregation all over again.”


You get the picture.

Of course, there were some like this:

I’ll probably be downvoted for this, but I’m going to compare it to the women’s chess league.

The women’s chess league is meant open up an avenue of development for a group that gets otherwise dominated by another group, in this case, men. The Bay Area, like the rest of the country, is dominated by White folks.

Having an occasional PoC meeting gives folks a break from White-dominant culture is like having a women’s chess chess tournament gives folks a break from male-dominant culture

One may justify, soft-peddle, downplay, and equivocate to one’s heart’s content. One may tap dance until one’s feet are bleeding. Racism, no matter how it is packaged, is still racism. And the ironic thing about racism is that while it is meant to demean the people of one’s hatred, it actually demeans the hater.


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