Zuck's Threads Already Throwing the Ban Hammer Around

AP Photo/Richard Drew

As The Who said, “Meet the new boss/same as the old boss.” Or in this case, meet the old boss/same as the old boss. Meta’s Threads has barely left the launch pad and has wasted no time in censoring views with which Zuckerberg and his fellow moguls and hangers-on disagree. That should come as no surprise to anyone since the shrieking harridans and soy toys of the Left were triggered by the new version of Twitter.


At first, they thought they would roost on Mammoth. But that platform proved to be unwieldy, unnavigable, and a harbor for some extremely objectionable material. So when Meta unveiled its new safe space/echo chamber last week, the news media and progressives (but I repeat myself) were positively giddy.

It is impossible to be startled by the fact that Zuck & Co. have been swift when it comes to casting dissenting opinions and those who express them into the outer darkness. I doubt any of the unfortunate few are wailing and gnashing their teeth. They are probably shrugging their shoulders and saying, “Welp, we saw that one coming.”

Case in point: Libs of TikTok. You have to give Chaya Raichik props for taking a shot with Threads, even if the outcome was a given. The Daily Caller News Foundation reports that Rachik posted “Non-binary isn’t real” on Threads Friday morning. The result was predictable.

Raichik told DCNF, “Within hours of joining I got death threats, had people sharing my address, and was told to kill myself. None of those posts were removed despite me reporting them. Only my post stating a fact was removed. It’s clear that the biased censorship from big tech is still thriving everywhere except Elon’s Twitter. I think I’ll stick with Twitter.” According to the DCNF, Donald Trump and DC Draino have also been on the receiving end of the Wrath of Zuck in the form of warnings to users who may want to follow them.


DCNF notes that Meta uses the same content guidelines for Threads that it applies to Instagram. Those guidelines define hate speech as “a direct attack against people … on the basis of what we call protected characteristics: race, ethnicity, national origin, disability, religious affiliation, caste, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity, and serious disease.”

I am sure that many conservative, classical liberal, libertarian, and sane users will depart the platform after they give it “the old college try.” At least I hope they will. As for those who remain, they will welcome the censorship. Contrary to what Roger Daltry sang, they will get fooled again.


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