Stacey Abrams Has a Fix for Inflation, and of Course It's Abortion

(AP Photo/John Bazemore)

Oh, the poor, daft Democrats. If they are not pivoting to race or gender, they are defaulting to abortion. Even though abortion ranks far behind issues like inflation, to the Left, it is a veritable Swiss Army knife. It supposedly protects women and the Constitution, saves lives, and even makes a great dessert topping! And now it can solve inflation! Abortion! Is there anything it can’t do?


Some campaign wonk must have told Stacey Abrams that people are more concerned about their shrinking bank accounts, retirement plans, and household budgets than they are about abortion, but she just could not let go of the Left’s number-one fetish and tried to somehow splice the two together on a Wednesday appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. Abrams was talking with Mike Barnicle who even gave her the perfect out by noting that people were more worried about the economic crises and that abortion is not garnering near the interest. Just the News reported that Barnicle asked Abrams, “What could you do as governor to alleviate the concerns of Georgia voters about those livability…issues that they’re confronted with?”

Abrams could have come up with any number of answers that would have been acceptable to the Left, but the Democratic version of her MK Ultra programming apparently kicked in, and her brain told her to go to abortion. She replied:

Let’s be clear: Having children is why you’re worried about your price for gas, it’s why you’re concerned about how much food costs. For women, this is not a reductive issue. You can’t divorce being forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy from the economic realities of having a child. And so these are — it’s important for us to have both/and conversations.


She added that women, in particular those of childbearing age, need to understand that having a child is an economic issue and that only politicians believe that it is a “cultural conversation.”

Translation: kids are expensive. Abort them and save money. How Wild Kingdom of Abrams to take the “kill-or-go-broke” approach.

It is reminiscent of the Windex gag that permeated the 2002 movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding. If you haven’t seen it, the running joke is that the male characters use Windex for everything, including medicinal purposes. And, to be honest, when I closed on my house as a bachelor, one of the first things I bought was a bottle of Windex. What can I say? It is useful.

Maybe Abrams was trying to thread the needle, but all she managed to do was appeal to a base who was going to vote Democrat anyway. But abortion is not Windex. Running around spraying abortion on everything like a cat in heat is not going to calm voters’ fears that they are looking at a future without money, heat, gasoline, or food.


Either the Democrats are laboring under the misapprehension that everyone in the United States is a purple-haired, stud-faced, 400-pound Womyn’s Studies major who has the luxury of obsessing over their genitalia or they are stuck with rolling out the only answers they have.


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