LM Otero

Neocon Sen. Mitt Romney (?-Utah) announced today that he blessedly won’t seek reelection in 2024, citing his age as his reason to exit stage left.

“I have spent my last 25 years in public service of one kind or another,” Romney announced in a statement. “At the end of another term, I’d be in my mid-eighties. Frankly, it’s time for a new generation of leaders. They’re the ones that need to make the decisions that will shape the world they will be living in.”


The iconic quisling decided to take a shot at both President Trump and *President Gropey Joe Biden on his way out.

“We face critical challenges, mounting national debt, climate change, and the ambitious authoritarians of Russia and China,” the warmongering turncoat continued. “Neither President Biden nor former President Trump are leading their party to confront them.”

FACT-O-RAMA! Putin invaded nearby countries during the presidencies of George W. Bush, Obama, and Biden, but not when Trump was in the White House. Trump enacted the “China Initiative” to chase out Chinese spies, which Biden suspended. Trump also successfully waged a trade war with China. Romney’s grasp on recent presidential history is embarrassing.

Romney, at 76 years old, has graciously decided he doesn’t want to join Biden, Mitch McConnell, and Dianne Feinstein in what I call the “D.C. Crypt Keeper Club.”

Senate Feinstein
AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Romney wasn’t done throwing his flaccid mosquito punches at Trump and Biden. Nor was he finished paying homage to the false god of “klymatt chanije,” (as you may already know, we have to misspell certain words to keep the Google imps from demonetizing our articles here at PJ Media).


“On the deficits and debt, both men refuse to address entitlements even though they represent two-thirds of federal spending,” the retiring reptile whined. “Donald Trump calls global warming a hoax and President Biden offers feel-good solutions that will make no difference to the global climate.”

The bad news is this: Mitt promises to keep up his RINO antics until 2025.

DERP-O-RAMA! As I’ve been saying for a long time, “klymatt chanije” is a hoax being used by globalist commies to take away our cars, ovens, light bulbs, air conditioners, and dogs, in an effort to enslave the world.

“While I’m not running for re-election, I’m not retiring from the fight,” Utah’s main lizard man vomited. “I’ll be your United States Senator until January 2025. I will keep working on these and other issues and I will advance our state’s numerous priorities. I look forward to working with you and with folks across our state and nation in that endeavor.”

If history remembers Romney for anything — and it shouldn’t remember him at all — it will be for voting twice to convict Trump during two bogus impeachments and for having to pull Obama’s foot out of the seat of Mitt’s panties after his dismal 2012 presidential election campaign.


May the door slam your weak, commie-loving, traitorous head on the way out, Mr. Romney.


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