Biden's War on Children Is Working Too Well

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

Gropey Joe Biden seems to be waging a war on children, and half the nation seems to be ok with that.

FACT-O-RAMA! Many liberals will agree with any/every decree from their commie masters so they can virtue-signal their morality cowardice to the world, even when they are told it’s ok to mutilate an eight-year-old child who is hungry for social acceptance and “likes” on TikTok.


President Biden seems to have many ways to harm kids — or at least keep them from procreating. Let’s look at two of them.


Never mind the “safe, rare, and early” mantra of yesteryear’s abortion-rights suffragettes. Joe now believes in a woman’s “right” to kill her unborn baby up to the point of birth. Most of the pro-choicers I know don’t go that far, but Joe has his order — advocate for killing those kids before the “burden” takes his or her first breath — and he doesn’t have the strength to say no to his puppet masters. He’ll say whatever it takes to get that scoop of ice cream.

FACT-O-RAMA! The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported 620,327 abortions in 2020. We have no idea how many abortions are not reported to the CDC.

Trans Madness

Joe is out loud and proud about his devotion to allowing a 14-year-old boy to have his penis spliced into a fauxgina. Never mind the data behind the curtain that tells us being “trans” is cool with the teen crowd. Biden — who is in lockstep with the trans goblins — believes in the “right” of a confused, attention-starved kid to have her or his body permanently disfigured during a temporary, confusing part of life.


Those kids who undergo chemical or surgical castration/transformation are highly unlikely to have kids.

Why would the globalist commies in the White House want us to stop having kids? Check this out:

This is the hardest part of the article to read: Joe Biden allows Chinese fentanyl to seep across the southern border knowing that 81,000 Americans — many of them teenagers — will overdose on the commie drugs and die.

You can check my math, but 80,000 lives per year multiplied by four years of Joe Biden’s presidency  means 320,000 Americans, many of them in their teens, will die before we scrape Barnacle Biden out of the White House. That means more Americans will die in four years of the Chinese fentanyl invasion than died during WWII at roughly the same time frame. And we haven’t fired a shot back.


Roughly 12 members of the Biden family have hoovered millions of Chinese commie dollars in return for what the Oversight Committee deems to be Joe Biden’s political influence. In return, We the People will lose more Americans — many of whom are teens — than we lost in WWII..

Please feel free to send this article to your liberal sister-in-law and her blue-haired, trans-pansexual boi?-friend who don’t seem to understand that their allegiance to the woke monster is harming young people at a rate that will impress the World Economic Forum. Or is that their plan?


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