It’s Sunday morning at 10 a.m., and Scott Presler is working a street corner on Long Island. Two women, Jennie and Pam, have volunteered to work the corner with him. Many more will join him throughout the day. Presler’s fans drive by, honking their horns, cheering him on, and stopping for selfies. More importantly, many are registering to vote and registering as Republicans. Scott conveniently has the registration forms nearby.
Gas station voter registration is a mood.
— #ThePersistence (@ScottPresler) March 19, 2022
Presler travels the country registering people to vote, but he has a new approach (which the Republican National Committee (RNC) was quick to jump on and claim as their own); he recruits angry voters near gas stations where every American gets their weekly fill-up reminder of Joe Biden’s disastrous anti-fossil fuel agenda.
FACT-O-RAMA! The day before I met him, Scott spoke to a large, angry family of Long Island Democrats, all of whom re-registered with him as Republicans.
Presler and his people respectfully stay off the Mobil station property as they ask drivers at the red light, “Are you registered to vote?” And more importantly, are they registered as a Republican? The station’s price for self-serve Regular is $4.27 a gallon, which is low for Long Island.
On March 8th, I said we were going to register voters at gas stations — we did.
Promises made. Promises kept.
— #ThePersistence (@ScottPresler) March 20, 2022
Moments after I arrived to talk with Scott, a Chinese woman drove by, parked, and asked if she could join them. Presler welcomes all the support he can get. He shows the woman what to do, and in 10 seconds, she too is waving a sign and asking drivers if they are registered to vote.
I asked if I could use her name and picture for this article, but she declined, saying, “I have family in China. The government will see this and punish them. They see everything.”
Related: What’s All the Noise From Long Island? It’s the Pro-Trump Long Island Loud Majority
Scott informs me there are five ways to register to vote in New York. He does this work nationwide and has a Funk-and-Wagnalls-like knowledge of registration laws in all 50 states.

Not only does Presler have a gift for registering new Republicans, but he also takes time for all of his fans who pull over to say hi, take a selfie with him, or ask for an autograph.
Presler is a rock star, and he couldn’t be nicer if he tried. A father approached Presler with his three-year-old saying, “My wife and I are big fans. Can we get a selfie with my daughter?” Yes, of course. He always takes time from his work to shake hands and pose for pictures with everyone who asks.
I know Long Islanders have a reputation for being … uh … blunt, but Presler says that, except for a couple of middle fingers, everyone has been nice. The horns haven’t stopped honking since I arrived. He told me the only place he has experienced real hatred was when a group of people protested him and his friends as they were cleaning up a filthy section of San Francisco.
“We were cleaning up their neighborhood, needles, and human feces. They were protesting. How about helping us?” Scott quipped.
Presler’s timing is impeccable. Living on Long Island isn’t cheap to begin with. Long Islanders are angry and fed up. The Republicans swept Long Island, parts of which are very blue, in the last November election.
Presler isn’t alone here. The Long Island Loud Majority has been working the island for years. Thousands of patriotic Long Islanders, led by Shawn Faresh, Kevin Smith, and Heather Liebman, have rallied for Trump, law enforcement, and all things American.
Today, Long Island has never been more Red. Presler will be back and the Long Island Loud Majority will be busy here on the island as the November mid-terms loom. Sic Semper Tyrannis!
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