When Will Georgia's RINOs Learn? Don't Mess With Trump

AP Photo/John Raoux

The writing is on the wall for Georgia’s Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan and he has read it. Duncan announced that he has decided not to run for a second term.

The Curse of Trump Strikes Again


Duncan, like Governor Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, took a political pounding amongst Georgia’s Trump supporters for not supporting President Trump’s attempt to prove Georgia election fraud, choosing instead to believe Georgia voted blue for the first time since it went against George H. W. Bush in 1992.

Duncan says he plans to launch a nationwide organization called “GOP 2.0,” which will be aimed at restoring “Policies,” “Empathy,” and a “respectful Tone,” which Duncan claims have left many in the Republican Party. Apparently, Geoff Duncan doesn’t realize what our own Stephen Kruiser pointed out: the GOP is Trump’s party now.

Embattled Governor Brian Kemp has decided to run for re-election but must first face off against primary challenger Vernon Jones, a former Democrat and a Trump ally. Jones announced he was becoming a Republican in Washington, D.C., on January 6th, to an enormous crowd of Trump supporters, who would later lead a mostly peaceful march (and totally not an insurrection) to the Capitol. Jones, who is very popular with Trump supporters and even body-surfed at a Trump rally in Oct. 2020, made his primary challenge announcement on April 16. He said election integrity was one of his key issues and blames Governor Kemp for Trump’s loss in the 2020 election.


“It’s time for them to feel the Vern,” Jones joked, referencing the Bernie Sanders slogan used by Sanders’ supporters during what many believe were two stolen attempts to become the Democrat presidential candidate.

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is feeling the pain as well. Former Georgia Senator Kelly Loeffler recently asked the state’s attorney general to investigate Rafensperger for his handling of the 2020 election. In her scathing letter to Attorney General Chris Carr, Loeffler suggested that, among other things, “Secretary Raffensperger’s office accepted unregulated, outside funds totaling $5.59 million from the Center for Election Innovation &  Research (CEIR), an organization linked to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.”

“Secretary Raffensperger’s office orchestrated the recording of a call with the President of the United States and subsequently released the recording to the Washington Post just days  before the January runoff, interfering with an election that was already underway by reducing  faith in the process and eroding trust in our election officials.” A call we now know was edited prior to its “leaking.”


Vernon Jones also called on Sec. of State Raffensperger to resign after leaking that call with President Trump, who called on Raffensperger to find some of the stolen votes.

Trump has hinted that he may run for the White House in 2024. It certainly looks like he is stacking the political deck with loyalists in case he does.

Election 2020 Trump
(AP Photo/John Bazemore)


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