Welcome to Election Day 2022: Yes, Your Vote Absolutely Does Matter. Now, No Excuses — Get Out There and VOTE

AP Photo/Lynne Sladky

Well, we made it. We made it to Election Day and the final hours of the 2022 Election cycle. Mercifully, all those repetitive campaign ads, useless flyers, annoying texts, unanswered calls, and endless door knocks are about to end — at least until the 2024 Election mania kicks in. I hope that, like me, you have already voted, but if you wanted to vote in person or haven’t already filled out your ballot and sent it in one way or another, I have to ask, “What the heck are you waiting for?”


The time to wait is over. Over too is the time for complaining at the keyboard and around the water cooler. We need all hands on deck today. Every eligible voter’s vote does matter and America needs you to take action today.

We need every vote. Don’t think your vote matters? Think your vote can’t make a difference? Think again. During the last election cycle here in my own congressional district, the vote for Republican Mike Garcia for the U.S. House of Representatives came down to around 300 votes. 300 votes. That’s all there was that kept a radical leftist out of congress in a lean-Democratic seat in dark-blue California. This time, we aim to keep him in his seat by a much wider margin in a restructured district that has returned to lean Republican. We haven’t given up in my district, and you shouldn’t give up in yours no matter what the pollsters say.

Related: Democrats Are Losing, So Politico Is Very Worried About Election Integrity

As Benjamin Franklin quipped on the last day of the constitutional convention in 1787, we have “a republic, if we can keep it.” It’s up to today’s Americans to realize we are in the “if we can keep it” phase and we — you, me, our friends, family, and neighbors — must get up and fight for it by voting no matter what. No excuses. It’s up to us to ensure there’s a free America left to be enjoyed by our kids and grandchildren. The very same America that many in the past have fought and died to preserve for us. If our predecessors could risk their fortunes, their liberty, and their very lives for America, there’s absolutely no reason we can’t simply vote. So are you in this fight or not?


Don’t get complacent trusting the “Red Wave” or believing the naysayers on social media who claim your vote will be stolen or not even counted. It 100% won’t be counted if you don’t cast your ballot. Urge your independent-minded friends and family not to watch from the sidelines either.

No one should sit this one out. Over the last two years, the Democratic Party has shown us who they are. We should believe them and vote to end the braindead policies of Joe Biden & Co. that have given us sky-high inflation, record-high gasoline prices, diesel fuel shortages, failing schools, prolonged lockdowns that eroded our freedoms, record government spending and debt, a war in Ukraine, and threats of nuclear conflicts with Russia, China, and North Korea. We deserve better.

Vote. Vote for a higher quality of life, better schools, and lower inflation.

Vote. Vote for secure borders, supported law enforcement, and safety from out-of-control crime.

Vote. Vote for a booming economy, higher wages, and energy independence.

Vote. Vote for freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, and the right to life.

Vote. Vote for your family’s prosperity and equal opportunity and for the future of America. And also remember, the fight doesn’t end Nov. 8 because the left never stops, and we can’t either. Expect some voting shenanigans and irregularities to occur, but do not under any circumstances let that stop you from voting; there’s way too much at stake.



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