Vivek Ramaswamy Says CCP Can Invade Taiwan If U.S. Has Semiconductors

AP Photo/Meg Kinnard

One GOP presidential candidate seems to have a truly shallow grasp of Communist China’s goals and plans. Vivek Ramaswamy said that he wouldn’t be concerned if the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) invaded Taiwan, as long as it did so after the U.S. had enough semiconductors. Ramaswamy seems unaware that the CCP sees Taiwan only as their first step toward world war and domination.


Business Insider reports that Ramaswamy told radio host Hugh Hewitt, “The truth of the matter is there are two reasons why China wants to annex Taiwan. One is to squat on the semiconductor supply chain so they can exert leverage over the United States of America. That’s not happening on my watch. I’d take a firm position on that.”

He then added, “But the second reason why is that they have unfinished nationalistic business dating back to their civil war in 1949. And if that’s the sole basis for Xi Jinping going after Taiwan after we have semiconductor independence, then you know what? I am not going to send our sons and daughters to die over that conflict. And that’s consistent with my position on Ukraine as well.”

Ramaswamy said the CCP needs to hold back on invading Taiwan long enough for U.S. “semiconductor independence.” The presidential candidate did not explicitly recognize that Taiwan is an independent and free nation and that, therefore, the CCP would be invading another sovereign country.

It sounds like a line from a Marvel superhero movie to say that the mass-murdering CCP wants to rule the world, but that’s really what the CCP wants to do. As Fox News China expert Gordon Chang told MRC Free Speech America, “China wants control. It wants to dominate the world, it actually has this notion that it’s the only sovereign state in the world and that the moon and Mars are part of the People’s Republic of China.” Yes, really.


The CCP’s repeated and increasingly aggressive threats to America (not to mention high-level CCP infiltration in America’s government and institutions) have made it clear that, as much as the CCP hates the free Chinese government of Taiwan, the U.S. is one of its biggest targets. The CCP has more than once threatened the U.S. in the context of threatening Taiwan.

Furthermore, Ramaswamy, like so many other people, seems to make the mistake of believing that the only options for America are to let anti-U.S. dictatorial regimes wreak havoc or put U.S. troops on the ground. This is not true.

As Donald Trump’s international policies during his presidency proved, there are many measures to take besides landing U.S. troops to deter countries like Russia and Communist China from invading other nations. And considering that Communist China is America’s number-one enemy, it would actually be more in America‘s interest to give weapons to Taiwan than to Ukraine, as tragic as the situation in Ukraine is.

Ramaswamy is being disturbingly short-sighted. It was not safe for Hitler to take Alsace-Lorraine. Don’t we learn from history?


The point is — contrary to Ramaswamy — that it is indeed in America’s national interest to assist Taiwan and that it is possible to do so without sending in the U.S. military.


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