The Public Health™ experts believe that children barely old enough to talk should be indoctrinated to “explore” their “gender identities” as well as instructed on best masturbation practices as part of any standard sex ed curriculum.
Via The Telegraph:
The World Health Organisation (WHO) is under pressure to withdraw guidance for schools recommending that toddlers “ask questions about sexuality” and “explore gender identities”.
The guidance says that “sexuality education starts from birth” and is described as a “framework for policy makers, educational and health authorities and specialists”.
Its advice on how to “talk about sexual matters” with young children was aimed at policymakers across Europe, and was translated into several European languages and promoted at national and international events, according to the WHO…
The advice proposes that four-to-six year olds should be taught to “talk about sexual matters” and “consolidate their gender identity”.
Having not satisfied itself enough with transgressing against established norms protecting children from sexualization, The Telegraph further reports that, per the WHO, children should “be taught about ‘enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s own body, early childhood masturbation'” which it frames as “minimal standards that need to be covered by sexuality education.”
These guidelines would be discomfiting enough on their own, but taken in the context of the broader leftist agenda to sexualize children, they should be downright alarming to any parent who submits their child to social engineers in public school and other institutions that facilitate unfettered access to them.
I have previously documented at PJ Media a dubious “human rights” movement called “childism,” defined by the Childism Institute as “a term to describe efforts to empower the lived experiences of the third of humanity who are children through the radical systemic critique of scholarly, social, and political norms.”
Removed from its flowery rhetoric, the Childism Institute seeks to legitimize treating children as adults with full agency over their sexuality, therefore circumventing any social norms that would otherwise prevent such blatant sexualization of kids.
Another “nonprofit,” the Prostasia Foundation, is self-tasked with destigmatizing “ageplay,” in which participants assume the role of children for sexual gratification as a form of role-play.
Pedophiles are increasingly recognized, rather than as dangerous sexual deviants, as a marginalized class of sexual identity. Their proponents have eschewed the term “pedophile” in favor of the more innocuous-sounding euphemism “minor-attracted persons,” or MAPS.
They even have their own “pride” flag.

All that to say: to truly appreciate the threat that the new WHO guidelines pose to kids, it’s important to contextualize them within the broader movement to normalize the sexualization of kids under the guise of “human rights” or whatever.
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