Canada’s immigration explosion is very much the result of an intentional policy decision, one that is shared by Canadian PM Justin Trudeau (self-professed admirer of China’s “basic dictatorship”) and the corporate media.
Via New York Times:
For the first time in its history, Canada grew by over one million people last year and most of them were newcomers, signaling that the federal government’s ambitious goal of boosting immigration to fill labor shortages is within reach.
Canada’s population growth rate of 2.7 percent in 2022 put it among the world’s 20 fastest-growing nations, a list largely dominated by African countries, according to a new report by Statistics Canada, the census agency.
The growth comes as the federal government makes a push to address its labor shortage and manage a wave of retiring baby boomers by raising its 2025 immigration targets almost 25 percent.
It also comes as the country grapples with a surge of asylum seekers arriving at its border with the United States, a topic that will be high on the agenda after President Biden arrived in Canada’s capital on Thursday for a two-day series of meetings with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada. [emphasis added]
There are numerous angles to be covered here, but let’s focus on one.
Imagine the New York Times framing in the inverse scenario: a million Westerners flock to Sri Lanka, or Bali, or anywhere populated by marginalized Persons of Color™. The first-paragraph synopsis would be: “white supremacists displace native residents, gentrify everything.”
And, depending on the interactions between the white migrants and the natives, the interest expressed on the migrants’ part in assimilating as much as possible to the native culture, and other factors, that characterization might be right.
But that’s far too nuanced of an equation for an outfit like the New York Times to balance. Their specialty is unbridled race rate.
Even when white Americans move to American cities, in fact, the Paper of Record accuses them of racism.
Via New York Times (2019):
In the African-American neighborhoods near downtown Raleigh… and in the center of cities across the United States, a kind of demographic change most often associated with gentrifying parts of New York and Washington has been accelerating. White residents are increasingly moving into nonwhite neighborhoods, largely African-American ones…
In city after city, a map of racial change shows predominantly minority neighborhoods near downtown growing whiter, while suburban neighborhoods that were once largely white are experiencing an increased share of black, Hispanic and Asian-American residents…
Then in the aftermath of the housing bust, mortgage lending tightened, particularly for African-Americans and Hispanics. White buyers got a head start in places like South Park just as they were becoming newly desirable. By the time more lending returned for minorities, these neighborhoods were increasingly priced out of reach.
White Americans moving to where they choose in American cities statistically improves property values, but that’s obviously because of racism. Continuing:
“That’s what finally came to me — it’s not just the fact that the neighborhoods look different, that people behave differently,” said Kia E. Baker, who grew up in southeast Raleigh and now directs a nonprofit, Southeast Raleigh Promise, that serves the community.
Some of that change can be positive, she said. This realization was not: “Our black bodies literally have less economic value than the body of a white person,” she said. “As soon as a white body moves into the same space that I occupied, all of a sudden this place is more valuable.” [emphasis added]
I don’t imagine that’s how it actually works. My guess would be that, on average, areas that are “gentrified” become cleaner and safer with better public schools. That’s not racism.
But the New York Times never lets facts get in the way of a good story, and no story is as titillating to their Social Justice™ leftist readers as the planned demographic implosion of the West.
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