Polish High Court Rules National Sovereignty Supersedes EU Authority, EU Sues

(AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski)

The globalist neoliberal project to undermine national sovereignty and roll nation-states into first regional, then global, political blocks has encountered significant backlash, particularly in the context of the EU from stubborn Eastern bloc member states — Poland and Hungary chief among them.


Via Remix:

The European Commission referred Poland to the European Court of Justice on Wednesday over two rulings from the country’s top constitutional court that held that EU law does not take precedence over the Polish constitution.

The referral follows a formal notice by the European Commission to launch infringement proceedings against the country served on Dec. 21, 2021.

The European Commission’s complaint relates to two rulings of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal on July 14, 2021, and Oct. 7, 2021, where it held that where contradictions exist between the EU treaties and the Polish constitution, the latter will prevail, a move the bloc says is incompatible with the primacy of EU legal principles.

This conflict is similar to the states’ rights vs. federal authority dilemma that recurs in the United States — except that the U.S. was founded as a union with the Constitution as the supreme law of the land, whereas the EU project is much newer and much less settled. (Poland only joined the EU in 2004).


Nations like Poland have centuries of history behind them that foster a more robust national identity than an American state might have. The EU, as much as it would like, is in no political position to nullify that national identity at the moment.


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