Newt Gingrich Asks if Obama's Administration 'Stood Around Sucking Their Thumb' While the Russians Hacked Into Our Election

Newt Gingrich is highlighting the stupidity of the Obama administration, saying that the Russians hacked our election systems and altered the outcome of 2016. Gingrich points out that they were the ones responsible for keeping this sort of thing from happening, so that if they’re saying it happened under their watch, they’re saying they failed to keep our nation secure.


Gingrich told Sean Hannity: “Barack Obama is now saying that his administration was so incompetent that they stood around sucking their thumb while the Russians snuck in and hacked into an American election.”

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"Barack Obama is now saying that his administration was so incompetent that they stood around sucking their thumb while the Russians snuck in and hacked into an American election."WATCH: Newt Gingrich sounds off on the absurdity surrounding election hacking investigations.

Posted by Fox News on Monday, December 12, 2016


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