Gary Johnson Deserves a Look Beyond a 10-Second Soundbite

I am so tired of saying I support Gary Johnson and hearing that he didn’t know where Aleppo was, or that he can’t name a single foreign leader. His foreign policy address, a speech he gave at the University of Chicago, proves he is actually really smart and sophisticated and should be considered a serious candidate. Please look past the 10-second soundbites and watch this video.


“As president, I would not need to be talked out of dropping bombs and sending young men and women into harm’s way, rather I would be the president who would have to be convinced it is absolutely necessary to protect the American people or clear U.S. interests. I will be the skeptic in the room.” -Gary Johnson

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Foreign Policy Address At The University Of Chicago

Our foreign policy deserves more than a quick sound bite… it deserves serious thought. Here's my full address from earlier today at The University of Chicago.

Posted by Gary Johnson on Friday, October 7, 2016


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