Anyone who has been following this story will be interested in a report from CBS News, Miami that is linked on Drudge:
BOCA RATON (CBS4) – The professor embroiled in a educational firestorm over his classroom practices has been placed on administrative leave.
Officials at Florida Atlantic University announced the move against Dr. Deandre Poole after receiving a complaint from student Ryan Rotella, who claims he was unfairly suspended from class for not writing the word ”Jesus” on a piece of paper and stomping on it as part of a class exercise.
The schools said removing Dr. Poole from the classroom was “for safety reasons” after the incident garnered a lot of media attention.
The controversy has even caught the attention of Governor Rick Scott, who called on University System Chancellor Frank Brogan to thoroughly investigate Rotella’s claims.
“As we enter the week memorializing the events of Christ’s passion, this incident gave me great concern over the lessons we are teaching our students,” Scott wrote in the letter.
Rotella, a deeply religious Mormon, told CBS12 that he was offended and refused to participate in the exercise.
“Anytime you stomp on something it shows that you believe that something has no value. So if you were to stomp on the word Jesus, it says that the word has no value,” said Rotella.
Rotella said he voiced his concerns to his teacher’s supervisor and later learned he was suspended from the class.
The report continues on to a second page that is available here. Many readers who have closely followed this story have been waiting for some action regarding this professor and now it has finally happened. Of course what is not mentioned in this report is that the Professor is question is vice-chairman of the Palm Beach County Democrat Party. But that is ONLY a minor detail in the mainstream media.
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