Compare and Contrast (Updated)

My seventh grade “social studies” class watched videos of the Holocaust.
Cara Remal and Jeremy Brown went to a children’s play at their local school and saw the crimes of Saddam Hussein equated with children throwing snowballs. They were then told (as were the kiddies) to “put your fear and anger into loathing Bush.”
UPDATE: Jeremy added a lengthy update to his original post answering a bit of controversy in my comments section. (My commenters get results! Way to go, folks.) So let me just clarify a few things on this end for those of you who choose not to follow the link.
The play was not performed at a school (that was my faulty assumption), but it was explicitly advertised and geared toward children. The snowball-throwing incident in question didn’t represent the crimes of Saddam Hussein so much as the September 11 attacks on America (which is even worse) and the threat from Saddam more generally. No one actually said the words “put your fear and anger into loathing Bush.” That was Jeremy’s thematic paraphrase of something was supposed to be (ahem) subtle. As it turns out, after reading Jeremy’s update the play was even more obnoxious than I had first thought.
Why even bring this up in the first place? It puts me in mind of something Marc Cooper wrote recently on his blog.


[T]he one change I know a Kerry administration would bring, a change that I lust for, will be an end to the incessant whining, doom-saying, fear-mongering and general apocalyptic paranoia that has come to permeate “progressive” politics. For that reason alone, I will be up at the crack of down on election day eagerly voting for Mr. A.B.B.

I don’t know if I’m willing to go there as he is, but I do understand where he’s coming from. A Kerry Administration would not soothe the angst of the radical left; nothing much can. But it would give the mainstream Democrats something besides George W. Bush to worry about for a change. Something like, oh I don’t know, terrorism perhaps.


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