Most Americans Believe Parents Have the Right to Opt Out of Objectionable Curriculum

AP Photo/Dan Balilty

A brand spanking new survey is delivering some bad news for radical progressives who thought the vast majority of the American culture was behind them concerning parents not having the right to pull kids out of certain subjects or classes being taught in public schools. As it turns out, most folk are in possession of a little thing we like to call common human decency; they believe it's a parent's right to decide whether the material taught to their children in the classroom is inappropriate or not.


This is a no-brainer, but we're living in a day and age when people are convinced it's possible for a person to just wake up one day and decide to change their gender. So yeah, we can no longer assume the left is intelligent enough to acknowledge what was once known as simple fact. 

Via The Daily Wire:

The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty surveyed 1,000 American adults between September 28 and October 5 as part of its annual Religious Freedom Index, and the results suggest that transgender advocacy in schools is a losing proposition for Democrat politicians — at least if voters are paying attention.

In a consensus that is rare for any political issue, a whopping 74% of respondents agreed that “parents should be able to opt their children out of public school curriculum on gender and sexuality that violates their religious beliefs or that they believe is not age appropriate.”

That’s four percent higher than when the question was posed in 2021, at the height of the education culture war, suggesting that the Left has lost ground as more Americans have seen examples of public schools concealing radical ideas under the banner of social-emotional learning, sex-ed, and the like.

Out of all those who were surveyed, only a third agreed with teachers' unions, Democrat activists, and politicians who say that it's the duty of public schools to mold young children into the citizens of the future, and thus they are the ones who should have the final say concerning what is taught in the classroom.


Do these people not hear how they sound when saying stuff like this? I mean, I would expect such sentiments as this to be made in socialist/communist nations, but not in a free country. God gave the authority to educate children to the parents in Deuteronomy 6. Thus, the parent has the final say in what a kid is learning at school. If values that are contrary to their own are being shoved into their kid's brain, it's their right, their duty even, to yank that kid right out of there. 

The poll also revealed that the number of people who support parental rights in education has increased by 9% since 2021. People are waking up, finally, after years of indoctrination from the left in public schools. It's unfortunate that it took so long, especially seeing as how the education system has probably destroyed the minds and souls of a whole generation, but it's better late than never.

Eighty percent disagreed that schools should “be allowed to hide information from parents about their child’s decision to adopt a new name, new pronouns, or begin a gender transition,” and 76% disagreed that “schools should be allowed to encourage children to transition their genders.”

The survey results were shared first with The Daily Wire. Lori Windham, vice president and senior counsel at Becket, said that “Americans are making clear that no one can replace parents when it comes to raising children. That’s a heartening sign for the direction of our nation and for every parent who wishes to pass on values and virtues to their children.”


“Our nation is better when we allow parents to parent their children, not the government,” Windham went on to say about the poll.

Want an example of just how wacky things have gotten?

In Montgomery County, Maryland, for example, the school board prohibited parents from removing their children from lessons on sexuality, specifically arguing that it was because so many parents wanted to do so that it would cause a disruption. District materials tell teachers that if a parent asks, “Can I keep my child home when students are learning about LGBTQ+ topics?,” they should discuss “equity” and then say, “Parents always have the choice to keep their student(s) home while using these texts; however, it will not be an excused absence.” (The same district recently gave excused absences for students who wanted to protest Israel on the anniversary of Kristallnacht.)

Meanwhile, the government in California slipped some major cash to a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to encouraging children to identify themselves as made-up nonsense such as "foxgender" while also providing materials that educate them in various ways to hide their mental issues. They give kids a six-page document that tells students what pronouns they should use around other children and whether officials who work at the school need to hide the child's use of these pronouns from their parents. 

I wish these were the only two examples of the insanity sweeping our nation, but alas, they are not. 


And in Virginia, a mother sued her school district after it relentlessly asked her child about transitioning. The child did transition, the district concealed it from the mother, and she was then trafficked to Baltimore and held by a registered sex offender. A school counselor then allegedly testified in Baltimore court that the girl should remain in Baltimore — in a group home with at-risk boys — instead of being returned to her mother, speculating that the mother might be transphobic.

Related: Co-Host of 'The View' Believes White Children 'Should Feel Bad' About Slavery

If we truly want to prevent basic scientific fact, truth, ethics, and freedom culture from going the way of the dodo bird, parents need to fight tooth-and-nail against the madness coming out of public schools.


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