Donald Trump Jr. Blasts Adam Schiff: He Was Handpicked by George Soros and Should Resign in Disgrace

(AP Photo/Kathy Willens)

A furious Donald Trump Jr. has opened a full-frontal attack on Democratic Congressman (and leader of the impeachment movement) Adam Schiff. On Twitter, Don Jr. writes that Schiff isn’t only a radical liberal, but he was also handpicked by George Soros and he should resign in disgrace.


As more information comes out about the nature and background of the whistleblower complaint against President Donald Trump, it is becoming increasingly clear that Rep. Schiff has played a key role in the entire affair. Not only that, but he has also lied about his role and about his knowledge of the complaint (until it was officially filed).

It comes as no surprise, then, that one of President Trump’s fiercest supporters has come out swinging at Rep. Schiff. I’m talking, of course, about Donald Trump Jr., the president’s eldest son.

“What we’re seeing play out is exactly what we saw when they tried (and failed) to take down Kavanaugh in 2018,” Don Jr. writes on Twitter. “The Democrats—specifically Adam Schiff—are exclusively briefed on a bogus allegation. Partisan Democrats strategically advise this anonymous individual. Then they build and execute a media plan to damage the President, all while lying about their role in the whole process.”


“Adam Schiff,” Don Jr. continues, “submitted a subpoena for the very document that he helped create, and stood in front of the American people and claimed he had no knowledge of this whistleblower.”

“The president,” he therefore argues, “is right, Adam Schiff should resign in disgrace, but the very least, he should recuse himself. He has lied to Americans and manipulated the media from the very beginning. If @RepAdamSchiff aka #FullOfSchiff is willing to go on to the floor of Congress to lie and reinvent the words of President Trump, it begs the question: How far did he go to influence and orchestrate this anonymous and phony whistleblower complaint?”

As for Schiff’s background? “And for those who don’t know who Adam Schiff is, he is not just a radical liberal, he is someone who has been handpicked and supported by George Soros,” said Trump Jr.

“An intelligence community whistleblower is required to go to directly to the Inspector General, before going to congress,” Don Jr. further states. “The fact that this anonymous whistleblower went first to seek partisan advice from a George Soros *puppet* tells you everything you need to know…”


As a result, the president’s son concludes “it’s just more of the same from the deep state. I’ll bet good money that the ‘whistleblower’ turns up to be another partisan hack with deep ties to the Brennan/McCabe cabal.”

If anyone thinks that this accusation smells like a conspiracy theory, Don Jr. tells them they clearly haven’t “been watching the last 3 years play out.”


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