This is probably the most important ongoing revolt in the Middle East right now. If Assad were to fall, it would reverberate all over the region, and greatly weaken the Iranian regime. Typically, it is getting far less coverage than the other “crises,” but we’ll follow it here. Latest updates:
Dara’a. According to eyewitnesses, the whole city (Population: ~100,000) is up in arms. Tens of thousands are on the street demanding freedom and liberty. Many are aware that the French Foreign Ministry, the US State Department, and the world is watching what they’re doing. This video shows Syrian security men stopping ambulances from reaching the injured. The whole town is surrounded by tanks aimed at the city.
Jassem. Unconfirmed reports that demonstrations have started in Jassem, a small town close to the Golan Heights Northwest of Dara’a.
Qamoshli. This video shows demonstrations in Qamoshli March 20, 2011.
Damascus. Download this video to see security men beating worshippers outside the Omayyad Mosque in Damascus. The video was taken using a secret pinhole camera.
Madaya. This video was taken yesterday of a small demonstration in the town of Madaya on the outskirts of Damascus and not too far from the Lebanese borders. Madaya is located south of al-Zabadani, which is a suspected stronghold of Hezbollah and the Military Security of Assad.
Syria. Rumors are circulating that young Syrian army recruits have express unity with the people of Syria against the regime in the form of not firing any live ammunition against their own people.
(UPDATE: “More Syria: Tanks Move In To Dara’a.”)
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