Right-Wing Terror Apologism

Via Andrew Northrup I find this nasty little screed about yesterday’s terror attack in Baghdad from Emperor Misha (in his own comments section), who likes to think of himself as an “anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler.”


I am not “condoning” the attack, I’m merely stating what should be obvious to most people, in my ever so arrogant opinion:
When you play with hyenas (and the UN has being doing nothing BUT that ever since it hobbled out of the swamps), don’t come fucking whining to me when the mangy, rabid beast turns around and bites you.

Excuse me, Mr. Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler. But you did just make excuses for terrorism.
Let’s rerun this and replace just a single small letter.

I am not “condoning” the attack, I’m merely stating what should be obvious to most people, in my ever so arrogant opinion:
When you play with hyenas (and the US has being doing nothing BUT that ever since it hobbled out of the swamps), don’t come fucking whining to me when the mangy, rabid beast turns around and bites you.

Worse than Noam Chomsky. At least Chomsky’s language is clinical.
Most of Emperor Misha’s audience seems to agree with him, judging by the comments thread. How charming.


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