Oberlin College Ordered to Pay Bakery $11.2 Million for School-Sponsored Racism Witch Hunt

(Image via Facebook screenshot)

A major legal victory was handed to Gibson Bakery in Oberlin, Ohio, on Friday. The family-owned business was embroiled in a #FakeNews scandal and accused of racism in 2016 by the powerful Oberlin College.


The incident that launched the destruction of the Gibsons’ business began when a black Oberlin College student entered the bakery and tried to buy alcohol with a fake ID and attempted to shoplift. Allyn Gibson, who is white, followed the student out of the store and an altercation ensued with two other black students who beat the elderly store owner while he lay on the ground. Gibson was found to have acted within his rights as a store owner and the three students, Jonathan Aladin, Endia Lawrence, and Cecelia Whettstone, plead guilty to aggravated assault. But that’s not where the story ended.

In this racially charged culture, students at Oberlin ginned up hate mobs to accuse the bakery of “racism.” This destroyed the bakery’s reputation and cut their business in half.

Instead of getting to the bottom of the incident, Oberlin kowtowed to race hustlers at the school and issued a libelous statement that was responsible for the destruction of a family name and business.

Student protests broke out and libelous flyers were posted all over campus declaring Gibson’s a racist business.

Protesting outside Gibson's Oberlin following shoplifting arrest.

Posted by The Chronicle-Telegram on Thursday, November 10, 2016


The Oberlin College Student Senate released an official statement claiming, “Gibsons has a history of racially profiling and discriminatory treatment of students and residents alike.” They wholeheartedly condemned the business and urged the community to do the same in the statement.

Not only did they issue this statement, but they helped distribute libelous flyers on campus and provided students with “safe spaces” to escape the horrors of non-existent oppression; they were served food and given mittens. Apparently, lies make one hungry and cold.

The Gibsons argued in court that these false statements damaged their livelihood and name and a jury agreed, awarding them $11.2 million in damages. It’s a happy day for sanity. Congratulations to the Gibsons.


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