CPAC: Blog Bash 2013

The National Bloggers Club held their annual Blog Bash event at CPAC last night.  The NBC takes pride in the fact that Blog Bash is “the largest gathering of right-of-center bloggers and opinion leaders.” Each year there’s an award ceremony that honors bloggers in a multitude of categories.  Here are the 2013 nominees.  The bold names indicate the winner.


2013 Blogger of the Year

Lachlan Markay, Heritage Foundation Foundry Blog

Bloggers’ Choice: Non-Profit Blogger of the Year

Sean Hackbarth, Chamber’s

Amelia Hamilton, Freedomworks

Lachlan Markay, Heritage Foundation Foundry Blog

Jim Pethokoukis, AEI

Ilya Shapiro, CATO
Best Investigative Post of 2012
Legal Insurrection – Bill Jacobson,
Bloggers’ Choice: Movie of the Year
Frack Nation
Hating Breitbart
Runaway Slave
Best In Show: Podcast
Coffee & Markets (Podcast)
Fingers Malloy (Podcast)
The Willie Lawson Show (Podcast)
Best In Show: Twitter
David Burge (@IowaHawkBlog)
Todd Kincannon (@ToddKincannon)
Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter)
Best In Show: Video
Julie Borowski – “Lena Dunham: First Time Parody” (Personality)
Ben Howe, Bruce Carroll, and Chris Loesch/Shock City Studios – “Not Without My Chicken” (Video)
Steven Crowder – “Unions Assault on Camera!” (Personality)
Erik Telford was awarded the Friends to Bloggers Award 

It also featured prominent Republicans in Congress, including Sen. Ted Cruz, who gave this tribute to Andrew Breitbart, and Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, who serves as the chair of the House Republican Conference.  They stopped by to show their support, and took time for a photo opportunity with the bloggers.  Sen. Cruz is one of the most reliable – and vociferous –defenders of constitutional government that we have in the Senate, and Rep. Rodgers has amassed enormous political clout since she was elected in 2004.  In fact, her life story, her experience, and her conservative credentials should be taken under consideration when the veepstakes begin in 2016.  If not, she should be considered as a strong candidate for the presidency.  Yes, I just said that.  I think she could be a force to be reckoned with, and a charismatic one too.

Additionally, some changes may be brewing below the Mason-Dixon line, as Bruce Carroll, formerly of GOProud’s Board of Directors, is mulling a primary challenge to unseat incumbent Republican Senator Lindsey Graham.  Carroll has already resigned his position with GOProud, which has heightened suspicions.  Sen. Graham approved a radical Obama judicial appointment to the D.C. Court of Appeals in exchange for possibly more malleable immigration deal.  Then, after Sen. Rand Paul’s epic 13-hour filibuster defending the Bill of Rights, he joined Sen. McCain in labeling conservatives as “wacko birds.”  Yes, the old guard has got to go.


Ben Howe at RedState last Monday that:

Carroll told me, “I was inspired by Sen Rand Paul’s ardent defense of the Constitution last week. It made me conclude that Senator Graham is out of step with his state’s voters on a variety of issues.” He went on to say that, “Sen. Graham has lost touch with his state. That’s why I’m looking into how I can be a part of the effort to bring him home from Washington, DC.”

Carroll is also an openly gay conservative that sat on the board of directors for the group GOProud, currently best known for its long standing spat with CPAC over the ACU’s decision to deny GOProud sponsorship of the conference. Carroll says he is resigning his post with the organization in favor of pursuing this effort:

In the interest of transparency and honesty, I informed my fellow GOProud board members that I could not dedicate time to the organization while I seriously considered the effort it might take to challenge Senator Graham in the 2014 Primary.

Lisa De Pasquale, Board Chairman of GOProud, told me of Carroll’s potential run, “I am thrilled by our beloved GayPatriot’s annoucement about his future plans. GOProud’s loss could be South Carolina’s gain!”

Chris Barron, Chief Strategist and co-founder of GOProud emailed me that, “Bruce has been an invaluable member of the GOProud team and will always be a part of the GOProud family. We look forward to supporting Bruce in whatever endeavors he undertakes in the future.”

In 2012, South Carolina Senator Jim Demint resigned from the Senate opting to take the position of President of the Heritage Foundation. Tim Scott of Charleston, South Carolina was appointed to his seat and will run for reelection in 2014.

With primary rumors and announcements heating up for Graham, as well as Nikki Haley’s reelection bid and Tim Scott looking to keep his appointed seat, South Carolina could see a major political shakeup in the next election.


The first openly gay conservative senator from the South.  That’ll surely drive liberals mad to the point where their true intolerant colors will leech out.

Oh, and Brett Kimberlin decided to stay home last night.  No drama occurred throughout the event.


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