The Democratic Party is in shambles. As I previously reported, the party's approval rating has plummeted to a pathetic 29% according to CNN's latest SSRS poll—a far cry from their 62% peak when Obama took office in 2008. This dramatic fall from grace isn't just about numbers—it's about a complete abandonment of sanity and common sense.
And one person is responsible for this.
Barack Obama.
Remember when Democrats actually stood for something besides radical leftist ideology? Bill Clinton, for all his faults, at least understood basic economics. He worked with Republicans on welfare reform and balanced budgets. In fact, he famously declared, "The era of big government is over." Try finding a Democrat today who'd dare utter those words without being canceled faster than you can say "progressive stack." Clinton even capitulated to Newt Gingrich on balancing the budget.
The pre-Obama Democratic Party wasn't perfect, but at least it operated in reality. They supported actual border security—yes, you read that right. Before Donald Trump entered the political arena in 2015, Democrats were border hawks. Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, and many other Democrats voted for the 2006 Secure Fence Act. Now? The party treats illegal immigration like a sacred right and border security like a crime against humanity.
Related: Democrats Hit Rock Bottom as Internal Numbers Reveal Total Collapse
Speaking of crime, the transformation is just as stark. The 1994 Crime Bill, which Joe Biden helped write, took a tough stance on crime with enhanced penalties and expanded death penalty provisions. Today's Democrats? They're too busy defending criminals and demonizing police officers to care about public safety. The turning point was Barack Obama, who used the presidential bully pulpit to push the false narrative that police are inherently racist. His rhetoric fueled the rise of the Black Lives Matter and Defund the Police movements, setting the stage for the lawlessness we see today.
But perhaps nothing showcases the party's radical transformation better than social issues. The Defense of Marriage Act passed with bipartisan support in 1996, reflecting mainstream Democratic views at the time. Fast forward to today, and Democrats are pushing gender ideology that would make even their 2008 selves blush. Obama's last-minute Title IX rewrite opened that Pandora’s Box.
Obama's influence extends to foreign policy too. The party that once projected American strength now apologizes for it. Even worse, Obama made antisemitism fashionable in Democratic circles, paving the way for the "Squad" and their radical anti-Israel agenda.
The result? A Democratic Party that's unrecognizable from its pre-Obama incarnation. Positions that were mainstream Democratic policy fifteen years ago would now be labeled "far-right extremism." The party has shifted so far left that Bill Clinton's centrist policies would make him a MAGA Republican by today's standards.
Barack Obama didn't just lead the Democratic Party—he broke it.
He took a party that once had a moderate wing and turned it into a breeding ground for radical leftists who despise America’s traditions and institutions. Obama made extremist policies and attitudes mainstream in the Democratic Party. He empowered the extremists, silenced the moderates, and set the stage for the chaos we see today. And the disastrous polling numbers for the Democratic Party are proof that Americans have had enough. They’re rejecting the radicalism, the lawlessness, and the anti-American agenda that Obama helped unleash.