We Have Another Tax Scandal for the Biden Family

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

The Biden family's penchant for playing fast and loose with financial disclosure laws continues. This time, it's the president's daughter and shower buddy Ashley Biden who's in hot water over a quarter-million-dollar "forgotten" donation to her nonprofit from none other than Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.


The National Legal and Policy Center has referred Ashley's organization, Women's Wellness Spa(ce), to the IRS for investigation after discovering that the group conveniently failed to report a $250,000 grant from the Archewell Foundation in 2023. 

What is it with the Biden family and tax fraud?

“This large contribution raised eyebrows because of the political implications of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s attempt to ingratiate themselves with President Biden and his family,” the complaint reads. “But more importantly, the $250,000 cash grant made in 2023 was not reported on Ashley Biden’s group’s 2023 Form 990, which only reported receiving a total of $170,296 that year. A full audit of Ashley Biden’s group is warranted to determine where the $250,000 cash grant was deposited and its disposition.”

The numbers simply don't add up. Women's Wellness Spa(ce) reported total receipts of just $170,296 in 2023, somehow missing that massive check from the Harry and Meghan. But that's not the only red flag waving at this "trauma-informed wellness center."

Signs point to some serious tax cheating going on—and not just the unreported donation. For instance, Ashley claimed to work 40 hours per week at a bargain-basement rate of $12.75 per hour, earning $511 weekly. If you believe that, you’d score lower than Joe Biden on a cognitive exam. And frankly, she likely worked less. As the NLPC notes, “While Ms. Biden’s pay is low for her educational and work experience in her field, NLPC believes that her reported 40-hour workweek may be exaggerated since during the latter half of 2023, she was engaged in politically related and other activities, including foreign travel with her mother.”


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I’m guessing she got tax advice from her brother, who tried to write off high-priced prostitutes.

"This large contribution raised eyebrows because of the political implications of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's attempt to ingratiate themselves with President Biden and his family," states the NLPC's complaint.

The IRS must conduct a full investigation and audit of Women’s Wellness Spa(ce), including deposing Ashley Biden, to find out what happened to the $250,000 given to Ms. Biden’s group from the Archewell Foundation and to assess appropriate civil and criminal penalties because Ms. Biden submitted and signed the Form 990 under penalty of perjury.

This latest financial fumble adds another chapter to the Biden family's growing anthology of suspicious money matters. From Hunter's international business dealings to Ashley's conveniently forgotten quarter-million, the pattern is clear: transparency isn't exactly a Biden family value.

Remember when Joe Biden claimed to be "the most transparent president in American history"? With each passing scandal involving his children's finances, that statement becomes increasingly laughable. The real question is: how many more financial skeletons are hiding in the Biden family closet?


At this point, it might be easier to count the Biden family members who haven’t been accused of tax fraud. But don't hold your breath waiting for the mainstream media to connect these dots—they're too busy trying to drive a wedge between President Trump and Elon Musk.

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