We've seen this movie before. A foreign leader comes to Washington, demands American blood and treasure, and our media elites swoon like teenage girls at a Taylor Swift concert. But yesterday's Oval Office meeting between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy didn't follow the script, and predictably, the left is melting down.
Zelenskyy, apparently forgetting which country's taxpayers have forked over billions to his war effort, decided to pick a fight with Trump right there in the Oval Office. For once, we have a president and vice president who stood their ground and defended American interests instead of bowing to foreign demands.
The liberal media's reaction was as swift as it was pathetic. According to them, Trump embarrassed America on the "world stage" by not surrendering to Zelenskyy's every whim.
Enter Susan Rice, that paragon of Obama-era foreign policy failures, who marched over to MSNBC and declared, "It's a very sad day and an embarrassment for the United States on the world stage. But let's step back and analyze what's happened here. I think there's no question that this was a setup."
“You heard Donald Trump say at the end of that clip you played, this is great television. This was a setup. Vladimir [sic]—I mean, excuse me—Volodymyr Zelenskyy was compelled to agree to a horrible deal that would have sent Ukraine's minerals to the United States without any concrete security guarantees. And yet, because he was trying to improve a relationship with Donald Trump, he came to Washington, he came to the Oval Office and sat down for a meeting, hat in hand. And soon after he got there, the vice president of the United States lit into him and started a confrontation.”
Yes, you read that right. Rice actually claimed the confrontation was a setup to embarrass Zelenskyy, even though it was Zelenskyy who walked into the White House making demands on camera.
But wait, it gets better. Rice continued her conspiracy theory: "And I think, as he said at the end, because he can't help himself, this was a setup for the cameras. It was a play to his base. But above all, it was a play to Vladimir Putin, to show fealty to Vladimir Putin and to try to humiliate Zelenskyy."
The Russian collusion delusion lives on! Four years after that hoax was thoroughly debunked, the left still clings to their fantasy that Trump is Putin's puppet.
But seriously, ask yourself this question: if it was embarrassing for Trump, why would Trump have planned for this to pan out as it did? The only reason for anyone to claim this was a setup is if they really believe that it was Zelenskyy, not Trump, who embarrassed himself.
Let's talk about the actual facts here. Zelenskyy disrespected both President Trump and Vice President Vance, questioned America's commitment, and generally behaved like an ungrateful guest. And we're supposed to believe that Trump made him do that?
The hypocrisy is breathtaking. These are the same people that watched silently as Crimea was annexed under Obama in 2014, and as Putin launched a full-scale invasion under Biden in 2022.
The reality is that Zelenskyy's behavior undermined any chance for productive negotiation. And now Susan Rice—whose foreign policy "expertise" helped create this mess in the first place—has the gall to lecture anyone about diplomacy?
Susan Rice must have forgotten the fact that she has long since lost her credibility in foreign affairs; she doesn't get the fact that we now have an administration that puts America first. So out come the conspiracy theories, no matter how nonsensical they are.
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