Byron Donalds Destroys Dick Cheney Over Kamala Endorsement

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

If you’re familiar with my background with blogging, you know that twenty years ago, I ran a blog called Blogs For Bush to support the Bush-Cheney ticket. I wouldn't be here at PJ Media today had it not been for that experience. So, it was particularly crushing to learn that former Vice President Dick Cheney has endorsed Kamala Harris.


"In our nation's 248-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump," Cheney said in a statement. "He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him. He can never be trusted with power again."

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"As citizens, we each have a duty to put country above partisanship to defend our Constitution," the statement continued. "That is why I will be casting my vote for Vice President Kamala Harris."

Cheney's statement ironically makes Mike Pence look pretty good. Sure, Pence isn't endorsing Trump, but at least he hasn't endorsed Kamala. 

As someone who wasn't a Trump supporter for the overwhelming majority of the 2016 presidential election season, I get why some people don't like him, but I can't understand why anyone who claims to be a conservative could turn their back on those values.

During an appearance on CNN, Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.) absolutely destroyed Dick Cheney for endorsing Kamala Harris. 


"My first response is I really don't care what he thinks," he said after being read Cheney's statement on air. "Secondarily, if you look at the way Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have led the current administration, they suppressed the free speech of the American people. It was the Biden campaign that lied to the world during the last presidential election using the intelligence agencies and 51 intelligence officers to lie about the laptop from hell—that's something the Biden campaign did—They lied about ... all the impacts using the COVID-19 vaccine. They tried to use OSHA to mandate 80,000,000 Americans getting that vaccine. They fired over 10,000 soldiers from our military over the same situation. And right now, we have a situation where Kamala Harris has lied to the world about the health and mental capabilities of Joe Biden."

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"So you put all that together, and then you have this statement from Dick Cheney. I'm gonna look at what's actually been happening with Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, and the threat they are to democracy, not what Dick Cheney's saying."


I may not be happy that Dick Cheney is abandoning his principles to vote for Kamala Harris, but I'm loving how Rep. Donalds destroyed him on CNN. Frankly, if Dick Cheney is willing to support Kamala Harris, he deserves it.


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