How Do I… Anyway… Let Me Count the Ways

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

If you watched Joe Biden’s “big boy” press conference Thursday night, you likely noticed that Biden lost his train of thought several times and used the word “anyway” to quickly change course.


It happened at least nine times by Fox News’ count.

"I just got to just pace myself a lot more, pace myself. And the next debate, I'm not going to be traveling in 15 time zones a week before. Anyway, that's what it was about," Biden said after reporters asked him about reports he needs to go to bed earlier in the day.

"That's what it was about. And, by the way, even with that, I love my staff. But they add things. They add things all the time. … I'm catching hell from my wife for that. Anyway," he continued.

Biden said "anyway" at least nine times throughout the roughly 58-minute press conference, according to a transcript of the press event, sparking some on social media to joke about an "anyway drinking game."

On his Fox News show, host Jesse Watter showcased a montage highlighting Biden's frequent use of the word "anyway," featuring six out of the nine instances found in the press conference transcript.

Several notable gaffes marked Biden’s press conferencv.


In response to the first question regarding Kamala Harris's potential to assume the presidency if necessary, Biden remarked, "I wouldn't have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president if she wasn't qualified to be president."

Additionally, Biden appeared to reference someone else as the president, stating, "I’m following the advice of my commander in chief, the chief of staff of the military, as well as the secretary of defense, and our intelligence people," Biden said. “And we are making a day-to-day basis on how far they should go in."

As the sitting president, Biden holds the title of commander-in-chief, raising confusion about whom he was indicating. Was he alluding to Kamala Harris? Jill? Hunter?

Biden’s “big boy” press conference was the latest make-or-break moment for his presidential campaign, and it seemed destined to fail to assuage concerns about his decline. There were earlier signs of trouble when Biden mistakenly referred to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as "President Putin" in Zelenskyy's presence at the summit.


"As we transition, I'd like to introduce the President of Ukraine, a leader of great courage and determination," Biden stated. "Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin."

Perhaps even more embarrassing, though, was the fact that even key figures like White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and White House National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby had been dubbing it the "big boy” conference.

How is that not humiliating?

Still, as bad as it was, at the moment, it looks like Joe Biden is resisting the pressure to drop out, and the press conference won’t stop the forces hoping to get Biden to step aside. What's going to happen next? Who knows? We'll be here to cover it when it does. You can help us by becoming a PJ Media VIP member today. Use promo code STOPJOE24 to receive 50% off your membership. Together, we can make a difference.


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