WATCH: CNN Anchor Has Tantrum After Trump Spokeswoman Calls Out Jake Tapper's Bias

AP Photo/Ron Harris

One of the biggest challenges Donald Trump will have to face in his upcoming debate with Joe Biden on CNN on Thursday — assuming Biden shows up — won't be handling the president but having Jake Tapper and Dana Bash as the moderators.


Tapper and Bash are about as anti-Trump as you get, and when Trump spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt appeared on CNN Monday to discuss the upcoming debate and happened to mention their bias, anchor Kasie Hunt had an absolute tantrum on the air.

When Leavitt pointed out that Trump was preparing to "go into a hostile environment on this very network with debate moderators who have made their opinions about him very well known over the past eight years," Hunt insisted that both Tapper and Bash were "professional."

But Leavitt came with receipts.

‘Well, first of all, it would take someone five minutes to Google Jake Tapper, Donald Trump, to see" that Tapper consistently likened Trump to Adolf Hitler. Then Hunt lost it and accused Leavitt of "attacking" her colleagues.

"I would like to talk about Joe Biden and Donald Trump — who you work for — if you're here to speak on his behalf, we will have this conversation," Hunt added.

"I am stating facts that your colleagues have stated in the past," Leavitt responded.

“I’m sorry, guys … Karoline, thank you very much for your time. You’re welcome to come back at any time,” Hunt replied.


“She is welcome to come back and speak about Donald Trump," she added after Leavitt was off the air.

Of course, Leavitt was absolutely correct. As recently as December, Tapper compared Trump's rhetoric on immigration to Hitler.

"With four weeks until Ohioans cast the nation’s first votes in the 2024 presidential race, the dehumanizing rhetoric of Adolf Hitler is once again alive and well on the national political stage. This time, of course, in the United States. This time, given life by former president and current Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump, whose thoughts on immigrants were made shockingly crystal clear over the weekend," he said. "If you were to open up a copy of Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf,’ you would find the Nazi leader describing the mixing of non-Germans with Germans as poisoning. The Jew, Hitler wrote, quote, 'poisons the blood of others.'"


Hunt knew that Leavitt was right, and she simply couldn't handle the truth. The truth is that Tapper, like pretty much everyone at CNN, is anti-Trump. CNN's personalities don't care about facts or journalist standards. They threw that all out years ago. We saw it badly when the media, Tapper included, treated the Russian collusion narrative as legitimate and even claimed the Russiagate dossier was corroborated.


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