
The Media's Desperate Search for a Silver Lining for Biden

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

As if to prove the point that Trump’s trials are political, the mainstream media seems intent on trying to find the silver lining for Biden after last week’s verdict. And boy, are they trying hard.

CNN spoke with undecided voters in Bucks County, Pa., on Friday to try to gauge their views of the verdict and even nudge them toward Biden, but the results were likely not what they were looking or hoping for.

Correspondent Danny Freeman asked undecided voter Rudolph Richardson about the trial and verdict, asking the insanely loaded question, “Could you imagine voting for someone who has been convicted of felonies?” 

“I don’t judge. I‘ll never judge so — it’s all if you do right. Like I said, if you do what you say you’re going to do,” Richardson replied. "I‘m more straightforward; if you gonna do what you say you’re gonna do then that’s the horse you gotta go with."

Richardson, who voted for Biden in 2020, remains undecided.

Meanwhile, Trump voters and Biden voters seem largely unswayed.

Trump supporter Ann Marie Ciambella told Freeman that the verdict made her angry. “It just made me angry because why is this even — you know, anything to do with what‘s going on now in the world? We have like so much going on and we’re worried about this?” she said. "Like c’mon. I feel like justice was just thrown out the window."

Meanwhile, swing state voters in Nevada told MSNBC that the verdict “cemented” their support of Trump. One person told NBC national correspondent David Noriega that he was on the way to register to vote so he could vote for Trump. 

“As of last night, after what happened to Mr. Trump, you know, I don’t think that was fair. So I’m going ahead to register to vote. I think it’s time to vote and set the record straight,” the man said.

Related: Jonathan Turley Explains Why the Trump Verdict Is Ripe for Appeal

“It just kind of more cemented my opinion about the guy,” another voter told Noriega. “Like, everything that came out in the verdict didn’t surprise me at all. It just sounded like things he would do.”

“I have been a Trump supporter since 2016, voted for him twice, planning on voting again,” a female voter said. “Yesterday cemented that fact for me.”

Meanwhile, the Trump campaign is raising huge amounts of cash. On Sunday, Eric Trump revealed that the Trump campaign has raised a total of $200 million since the verdict in the sham trial was announced.

"This might be a little inside information, but as I was leaving my house about 37 seconds ago, I asked my wife, 'What are we up to now?'" he told Fox News' Maria Bartiromo. "And she said, 'Just in terms of small dollars, we're well over $70 million.' This is $21 donations, $43 donations, right, small-dollar donations. If you add the large dollar donations to it, you're over $200 million."

He added, "I mean, these are Americans who are pissed off. They're coming out of the woodwork and they want to support a guy that they just believe he's getting bamboozled by a system."

The polls aren’t shifting (yet) as much as the Biden campaign would have hoped, and Trump is now pulling in huge amounts of money, likely destroying the cash advantage Biden previously had. So if you’re a Biden supporter, where’s the silver lining for you?


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