
When the Left Puts Trump on Trial and It Doesn’t Work

AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura, Pool

As we've reported here at PJ Media, the left's lawfare strategy against Donald Trump isn't going particularly well. In fact, the best, and perhaps only chance to get a conviction before the election may be the ongoing trial in New York City over his non-disclosure agreement with Stormy Daniels. And you know how badly that has been going.

Daniels's lawyer, Keith Davidson, testified that the $130,000 payment to Daniels was a legitimate "consideration" payment, not "hush money." Hope Hicks also undermined Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg's case, testifying that Trump's nondisclosure agreement with Daniels was to protect his family from embarrassing media coverage rather than to influence the election.

Daniels didn't do any better for Bragg's case, as she was called out for repeatedly changing her story about what happened between her and Trump and basically admitted to extorting him.

Bragg's star witness, Michael Cohen, was so bad during the cross-examination that even the talking heads at CNN admitted that it was a gift for Trump. And through it all, the liberal media has been flabbergasted that the public hasn't turned on Trump. He's stronger than ever, performing better in the polls now than he ever did in 2020 or 2016.

Still, Democrats hope for a conviction, thinking that at the very least, it will damage Trump and thwart his return to the White House. However, the public doesn't seem to think much about the trial, and even a guilty verdict won't sway their votes.

According to the latest Emerson College poll, more than half of voters, 53%, said a guilty verdict for Trump wouldn't affect their vote. Meanwhile, just 25% indicated they'd be less likely to support Trump if he's found guilty, and 23% said it would make them even more likely to vote for him.

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In a head-to-head matchup, Trump leads Biden 46% to 44% with 10% undecided. With leaners, the results were evenly split — which is not good for Joe Biden.

“Voters under 30 break for Biden by 15 points, with a quarter undecided. When these undecideds are pushed, the group breaks for Biden by 26 points, 63% to 37%, reflective of his margin in 2020 with this group," Spencer Kimball, executive director of Emerson College Polling, said in a statement. “That said, Biden trails Trump 41% to 45% among voters in their 30s, among whom he led Trump in 2020,” Kimball continued. “Trump’s support has grown since 2020 among voters in their 50s according to this poll, leading Biden by 19 points, 57% to 38%."

I've said before that the Trump trial may never have been about a conviction but more about keeping Trump off the campaign trail and forcing him to divert resources to defend himself. Considering that the outcome of the trial won't matter too much to the voters, that's the best Democrats can hope for at this point. Nothing else has worked.


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