WATCH: Joe Biden Fell Down Again. This Time Was Really Bad.

(Video screenshot)

Joe Biden took a hard fall on stage at the U.S. Air Force Academy graduation on Thursday. The fall audibly shocked the crowd, and who can blame them, considering it was not a light fall, and at his age, such a tumble could have caused serious injury.


Biden was assisted by three people who help him get back on his feet and balance, after which he made his way back to his seat unaided.

“President Biden fell down on stage after handing out the last diploma to the Air Force cadets. He appeared to slip and fall going down on his knees. He was helped up by Air Force officials,”  Jeff Morduck, White House reporter for the Washington Times, wrote in his White House pool report. “POTUS appears to be ok and continued to stand until the ceremony ended a few minutes later.”

“POTUS was walking back to his seat when fell. He appeared to have tripped on a black sandbag on the stage. When he fell, pointed to the black sandbag suggesting that’s what he tripped on,” Morduck said in a follow-up pool report.

Morduck wrote that he did not see Joe Biden leave the ceremony, and there’s “no word on how he’s feeling after the fall.”

The White House was quick to confirm that it was a sandbag that had taken Biden down and that 80-year-old Biden is “fine.”

“He’s fine,” White House communications director Ben LeBolt claimed on Twitter. “There was a sandbag on stage while he was shaking hands.”

Donald Trump was told about the incident during a campaign stop in Des Moines, Iowa.


“He actually fell down?” Trump asked. “Well, I hope he wasn’t hurt.”

Trump then pointed out how the media once obsessed over his slow descent down a ramp.

“Look, you know, we gotta just get this thing back on track. That’s a bad place to fall when you’re making — I think it was the Air Force Academy, right? — He’s making that’s not inspiring,” Trump said.

Joe Biden has had more than his fair share of tumbles. In February of this year, he slipped going up the stairs of Air Force One in Poland. In March, he experienced a minor slip on the stairs leading up to Air Force One before departing Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Ala. Though his most famous battle with stairs was on March 19, 2021, while attempting to walk up the stairs to Air Force One, during which he fell multiple times.

According to the CDC, falls are “the leading cause of injury and injury death” for people 65 years old and over. “One out of four older adults will fall each year in the United States, making falls a public health concern, particularly among the aging population.”

In March, White House Physician Kevin O’Connor laughably declared Biden “a healthy, vigorous, 80-year-old male, who is fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency, to include those as Chief Executive, Head of State and Commander in Chief”; however, recent reports suggest that Biden has a very limited time window in which he can function properly. White House officials have acknowledged that “his age has decreased his energy levels, significantly constraining his schedule.”


Incidents like this raise legitimate questions about Biden’s physical health, and his ability to perform the duties of the presidency — though many would prefer us not to ask these questions.

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