WATCH: Joe Biden Gets Lost Mid-Sentence During First Press Conference

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Why did it take so long for Joe Biden to hold his first press conference since taking office? The answer is quite obvious after watching the thing.

Biden seemed lost at times, out of his depth, and you could almost see the terror in his eyes as he struggled to get through it.


But the worst part was how often he appeared to lose his train of thought mid-sentence. It happened multiple time, but here’s a prime example:

And here’s another example, when Joe Biden was trying to say something about filibusters before getting lost:

Why did Biden wait so long to hold a press conference? Because anytime he gets before a video camera he becomes a national embarrassment, exuding weakness and frailty that no president ever should.

What a disaster. Don’t you miss President Trump’s press conferences?


Matt Margolis is the author of Airborne: How The Liberal Media Weaponized The Coronavirus Against Donald Trumpand the bestselling book The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama. You can follow Matt on Twitter, GabFacebookMeWeHeroesRumble, and CloutHub.


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