Two Weeks Before the Election, Joe Biden Only Wants to Answer Questions About Milkshakes

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

With all the consequential issues facing us just two weeks before the presidential election, while campaigning in North Carolina on Sunday, Joe Biden and his granddaughter Finnegan stopped for milkshakes at Cookout in Durham, N.C.


“Mr. Biden! Mr. Biden! What flavor did you get?”

“We got one vanilla and one chocolate,” Biden replied, before explaining he really wanted what is called a “black and white,” where the two flavors are mixed.

Very important stuff the voters obviously must know before the election.

Immediately after answering the question about what milkshake flavor he chose, the same reporter began to ask another question.

“And one more question,” the reporter began, prompting Joe Biden to look at the reporter in anticipation of the next question. “The FBI is reportedly…” he began, but Biden immediately brushed off the question and started walking away, no longer interested in answering questions.


It should come as no surprise that Joe Biden’s campaign has called a lid on campaign events until after the debate on Thursday. He can’t avoid being asked questions about the damaging information about him and his son Hunter if he’s available to the media, but if he waits until after the debate, he is hoping the story will be eclipsed by the debate itself.


Matt Margolis is the author of the new book Airborne: How The Liberal Media Weaponized The Coronavirus Against Donald Trumpand the bestselling book The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama. You can follow Matt on Twitter @MattMargolis


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