Fox News Cuts Ties With Diamond & Silk

Lynnette Hardaway, left, and Rochelle Richardson, a.k.a. Diamond and Silk, arrive at the LA Premiere of "Death of a Nation" at the Regal Cinemas at L.A. Live on Tuesday, July 31, 2018, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Willy Sanjuan/Invision/AP)

Fox News has cut ties with the Trump-loving duo Diamond & Silk, because they were promoting “conspiracy theories and disinformation about the coronavirus,” according to The Daily Beast.


The duo has made regular appearances on Fox News, and was contributing regular content to their subscription-based Fox Nation since its launch in late 2018.

No new episodes of their online program have been uploaded since April 7, as CNN senior media reporter Oliver Darcy first noted over the weekend. Prior to this month, the duo never missed a week posting episodes since December 2018.

A spokesperson for Fox News did not respond to a request for comment. Diamond & Silk also did not reply when emailed by The Daily Beast.

The sisters’ Fox guest spots have also dried up recently. According to a search of TVEyes, a cable-news monitoring system, Diamond & Silk haven’t appeared on the network since a March 6 interview on Fox & Friends and a March 7 hit on the now-defunct Fox Business Network show hosted by Trish Regan, who was also ditched by Fox after her own comments calling the pandemic an “impeachment scam.”

One such offending incident occurred on March 30, when the pair mused that coronavirus deaths were being inflated to make Trump look bad. “What I need to know is how many people have passed away in New York, and what I need to know is: Who has the bodies?” Diamond asked. “I need for somebody that does investigative work to call the morgues. To call the funeral homes. We need to know because I don’t trust anything else that comes out of his mouth now… Something’s not right here. Something is off here.”


“Is this being deliberately spread? Look, I’m not being a conspiracy theorist, this is real, but I’m asking my own questions. What the hell is going on?” she added.

As we’ve noted on PJMedia, the media has deliberately pushed the narrative that the United States “leads the world” in coronavirus cases, even though on a per capita basis the United States does not. There have also been reports that deaths of people who were never diagnosed with the coronavirus are being counted as coronavirus deaths.

It remains to be seen if Diamond & Silk will be given a gig at another network that specializes in coronavirus conspiracy theories, like CNN or MSNBC. After all, how many different mainstream media outlets have made bogus claims about Trump response to the coronavirus?

Diamond & Silk have a book coming out in August called, Uprising: Who the Hell Said You Can’t Ditch and Switch — The Awakening of Diamond and Silk 



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